插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

Vent (Why I Hate Valentine's Day)
So every Valentine's Day, I get depressed because I always end up single. But this year, as of 2023, I got myself a honey-bunny we shall call Hon~ 💙 Here's his profile: https://medibang.com/u/Russianidiot/ Anyways, that's not all... back in March of 2022, I met this really nice guy named Mike. We weren't really close friends until mid-September a couple months ago. Time-skip to the week BEFORE Valentine's Day, during my lunch period, they were selling carnations (little flowers with notes that you can write on and stuff). I used my last two dollars to buy one for Mike. I was shy, but I had a feeling it would be worth it... welp, terrible mistake. A week after, on Valentine's Day (which was about 3 days ago), during our first-period classes, people were going from class to class handing out the carnations to the people who were going to receive them... that meant Mike got his, too. Then, when first-period was over, I went to my second-period class. Even though I hadn't seen Mike that morning, I was actually starting to regret getting that flower for him (before I go on, I wanna clarify that I NEVER had romantic feelings for Mike; I just felt like doing something nice for him on Valentine's Day since he was such a good friend). Then, when second-period was over, me and a couple friends walked out into the hallway and I saw Mike with the flower I got him. I went to sit in my desk, opened my Gmail to find that Mike had messaged me like "why did you get me a flower?". We messaged back and forth, and with each little word I typed-up, the more anxious I was starting to get. At some point that moment, I excused myself to the restrooms so that I could cry my eyes out in the corner of the biggest stall (I get chlaustrophobic in the smaller ones). After 10 minutes or so, I headed out into the hallway and dried my tears before anyone else noticed that I had just got done sobbing. Time-skip to my eighth-period class, when I skipped gym because of how upset I was... too upset to even run. I entered a different restroom; meaning another big stall to vent to myself in. This restroom in question was literally right around the corner from the gym class I was supposed to be in. As I was crying, I could hear the screams and shouts of the classmates... and the teacher yelling every few minutes or so. Alongside that, it was complete silence. Every 10 minutes, a group of girls would come in and gossip. I never bothered to speak. I stayed in that stall until the bell rang and it was time for me to go home. The next day, on the 15th, I was called out into the hallway during my first-period class and I had gotten a referral for skipping gym the day before. Then I got sent down to ISS (in-school suspension... or as it's usually called in my school; "lunch detention") with a few other kids I barely knew during my lunch period; luckily the teacher let us eat because my school's chicken nuggets are pretty darn tasty. My mom didn't find out until later that night that I had skipped gym to "hang out" in the restrooms. I should've gotten over it by now; sometimes I still think and STILL cry about it when the incident with Mike pops up in my head. Oh! Mike is actually doing pretty swell. He apologized to me just the other day. Reason why he didn't sound happy about the carnation was actually because he thought I was trying to "win him over". I mean, he just thought that because I also just happened to make him a mug out of clay (he loves that damn mug) and he just assumed I was trying to get him to like-like me by making him gifts XD Anyways yeah. That's my story. Consider it a vent. ;-;
