良いモノ抽出! [Extracting good things!]
側から見たら下手だけど。 [It's a bad illustration that you can't really tell from the outside.]
自分にはコレが必要な工程に見える! [This looks like a necessary process to me!]
自分が何を必要としてるか?その人にしか見えてない領域があるかもしれんな![The only area where you can see what you need may be within yourself!]
このイラストは自分にとってはキャラが動き回るキッカケの初動になったと見える! [For me, this illustration seems like the first thing that will trigger the characters to move around!]
※必要なモノを得る為に的を絞るので他が雑になる・・ [Because you narrow down your focus to get what you need, everything else becomes sloppy..]
自分にはコレが必要な工程に見える! [This looks like a necessary process to me!]
自分が何を必要としてるか?その人にしか見えてない領域があるかもしれんな![The only area where you can see what you need may be within yourself!]
このイラストは自分にとってはキャラが動き回るキッカケの初動になったと見える! [For me, this illustration seems like the first thing that will trigger the characters to move around!]
※必要なモノを得る為に的を絞るので他が雑になる・・ [Because you narrow down your focus to get what you need, everything else becomes sloppy..]
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