イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

Ok , remember how I told everybody about our military In Korea? How every man over the age of 18 have to enlist in the military by the time they turn 30? Well you see....Bambam from got7 isn't a korean citizen as he's a Thai citizen, he was born in Thailand and he's Thai but he lives in Korea as he's part of got7

Well the Thai army do it differently..
Bambam has to draw a black card so he can't go into the military
But if he draws a red card, he has to serve 2 years in the Thai military

But, your all probably like "so what! He'll serve 2 years then come back to got7, nothing to worry about!"

But you see.....That's not the point

Got7 aren't that famous in Korea but their more famous internationaly (don't get me wrong, got7 are famous, like really famous, but their more famous outside of korea)

So.....The issue is, is that got7 won't last 2 years without bambam so we need him to draw a black card so got7 can stay together, if he doesn't all the worst will happen! To much to even include! Like they could get disbanded, bambam might have to leave jyp entertainment, or worse...

So... While we wait to see what happens, I want everybody to put a black heart on their username (for example, I'd change mine to: ∆×⚫예슬⚫×∆)

Its a lucky symbol to show we care for bambam and that it gives luck in hope bambam gets a black card, even if your a fan of got7 or not, please, can you do this?

I'd appreciate it so much ^^

EDIT: Well I found the black dot now XD ⚫
