插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

Chapter Ten : The Past
      His feet landed delicately onto the thick canopy of leaves. The Earth Kingdom was so green. Too green for his scales. He darted in and out of trees, hiding in shadows and bejind boulders. There was a main office around jere somewhere, he just needed to find where. Crickets chirped and owls hooted every now and then. The camp was silent.

     He had absolutely no clue where he was going, he saw things he had never seen before. Racks of fish, stone carved seats and shelves, odd looking houses built into trees. He darted his eyes across the area, large paths split the weird tree houses and seperated them. He followed the large paths, one reached an open area full of seats. An eating area he guessed. Another path lead to a huge stage, it looked like thousands of dragons could sit to watch whoever was on the stage.

     He came across another path that led to a cliff, and a cave dug into the base of it. Frostbite slithered along the side of the entrance and peeked his head around. The area was silent, no one made a peep. He silently slid underneath a desk and found book and papers galore. Was this some sort of library? It looked awfully small for a library. A little lamp had been put out in the corner of the cave, and a huge book laid underneath the lantern. Frostbite quietly opened the book, sifting through pages. His eyes glowed in the dark. The front cover showed the year, this year. He turned back through paged amd found dragon names with descriptions. He looked to his right and saw several other huge books from different years. How the heck was he supposed to find her parents, he didn't even know how old they were.

     Something from a certain book caught his eye though. Papers jutted out of a large book, it was bigger than any of the other years. He opened to a random page and found a seperate sheet saying which dragons from the pages were missing.

     'Arctic : Ice -Female, Powder Blue, 28 -Missing.'

     'Iceberg : Ice -Male, Pale Blue, 26 -Missing.'

    'Polarmist : Ice -Female, Lilac, 27 -Found Dead.'

     'Sleet : Ice -Male, Silver, 29 -Missing.'

     'Snowstorm : Ice - Male, Pearl, 27 -Missing.'

     Frostbite frowned. Almost all of the Ice Dragons from this year were dead or missing. Something happened during these years that he didn't understand. He glanced around the room, looking for an explanation. His eyes fell on a poster hung up on the wall, the year of the hook he had been reading had been circled. Words wrote 'never forget' just off in a margin.

     His eyes widened with wonder. That was the year. The year the war started.The book from this year had neatly no Ice Dragon students. But this was the year everything changed, and Ice Dragons stopped appearing in the books. yellow pages stuck out and caught Frostbite's eyes. He took out the first one and it read,

    'Flora : Air -Female, Paled Turquoise, 29 -Dead.'

     She was documented as the first Air Dragon to die. He came across a plethora of yellow papers.

'Stratus : Air -Male, Silk White, 27 - Dead.'

Okay. So far all the Air Dragons he read had died. Air Dragons had died.

'Storm : Air - Male, Cadet Blue, 27 - Missing.'

Why was this Storm dragon missing instead of dead? Did the Ice Dragons plan a mass genocide in this camp? Maybe he was the only one who escaped. Pieces didn't fall together, and he didn't know what he was doing. He opened up to see the Dragon's info. He had had a good reputation. A smart dragon with a good personality. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary about him. Frostbite found a note written on a margin of the paper, like they planned on writing something but never did. A half written outlined news article was attached.
'Ceremony~ For his heroic deed we will be holding a ceremony this weekend. He will be honored for saving the life of one of our beloved students, Dove.
It happened a peaceful night, just after the death of OakScales. Sea Dragons have reportedly claimed they saw a group of students walk to the lagoon, only to come to a horrific sight. Two fellow Sea Dragons were seen to be shoving a poor defenseless Air Dragon into west side lagoon. It was said after a few minutes, Storm, decided to take action and save his fellow student.

What do you think about those two Sea Dragons? Were they out of line?

"I don't really think anyone should be blamed. It was a harmless game that turned out to be a mistake."

What made you-'


     The text was scribbled out and the rest hadn't been written. But Frostbite began to fit pieces together. He flipped back to a few Ice Dragons. He remebered a date somewhere. The day the war had started. They never finished his ceremony because he disappeared before they could do it, it was scheduled a week after he went missing. Frostbite's eyes scanned the pages.

He got what he came for.
