Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Elements of Art (Critique) #1
ALRIGHTYY so! The first comment who submitted an art was mah sister- So here we go-

For this drawing, I will be focusing on Points and Dots, the 1st element, and then Structures (Patterns & Textures), the 5th element. Because there's some things I wanna say regarding those elements!

A dot can be ANYTHING of ANY size of ANY shape. The most basic art element EVER.
So Ollie is a dot, Ollie no.2 is a dot, the text are... dots-
But the space BETWEEN the dots is REALLY important.
Now I like how small Ollie no.2 is and how Ollie no.2 isn't SUPER close to Ollie, and it also leads your eye from the BIG number 400, to Ollie, and down to Ollie no.2.

Now points.. A point is a dot of focused attention. A focal point! They make your eye look at them FIRST! Before anything else.
Now I dont know whether I wanna look at Ollie, or the big number 400..
They are both of similar size almost..
I think I looked at the 400 number first but I kinda switched back and forth between Ollie's head and the 400. Either make Ollie a tad smaller, OR you can make the 400 number POP! Other way round if you want Ollie's head to be the focal point.

Now patterns and textures! I REALLY like the background's pattern! I was about to say that it makes things look too BUSY, but I change my mind. It looks great! =D
I also love your shading style and the texture of it! I really like the lines in your shading, well done!

That's all I wanted to say. I will post another topic like this on the next person tomorrow!

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