插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

Trapped in Chains Chapter 1
Eclipse stared out of the hut. She was waiting for her mother, Aquarius. Mom was never late, she only left for an hour or less. Eclipse was worried, she wanted to go look for her mother, but, she wasn't allowed to go outside without mom. What was slowing mom down? Eclipse sighed. "Mom....! Where are you?!" Eclipse couldn't take it anymore she had to go look. But....there were dangerous dragons and so many things that could kill her. Eclipse hesitated, she sat back. Eclipse played with her tail for a while, she was very focused on it... Eclipse getting bored got up and ran out of the hut, she crash landed onto the beach. "Ow...w...." She moaned. She got up, holding her head. Maybe if she looked into the future.. Eclipse shook the thought away, she didn't like knowing too much about things, and when she didn't know things, it was exciting. Eclipse ran across the beach, that broke about twenty rules, but sometimes she had to break rules. She ran into the ocean. 'Underwater is so pretty' she thought. She remembered when Aquarius and her would sleep underwater sometimes together, and the next morning they would have a huge breakfast full of many animals that lived in the reef. Eclipse missed her mother so much. she wanted to go find her, but Pyrrhia was really big, and confusing. Eclipse still didn't have the map of Pyrrhia memorized yet.
Aquarius's POV
Aquarius woke up. Her head spinning. She only remembered leaving Eclipse, nothing else, everything past that memory was gone. She jumped at the sight of a dragon in a cape. Their face wasn't visible. Two more dragons gathered behind this one. They whispered something to each other, the first one nodded. "I guess we bring her to..." Was all she caught from one of them. One dragon grabbed her, she struggled to get free. The other two helped them. Aquarius hissed. "let me go!" She struggled more to get out. "Stop squirming!" One yelled. She stopped, oh no, how long had she been gone from Eclipse. Eclipse was probably worried and scared. Aquarius got dragged into a nice meadow, but West of it was a dreadful looking camp, with exhausted dragons. "Boss will be happy to have a new prisoner ," one dragon said, the other two nodded. Aquarius was pushed into a tent. There were two dragons in there, one, wasn't wearing a cape, they were a sandwing, the other looked a lot more horrifying. The face was visible and there was a huge scar. Their claws were bigger and longer than usual, the end of their tail was ripped off, their pupils were red, and eyes were black. The dragons whispered back to each other. The horrifying one waved his talons, then the sandwing started to pull Aquarius to cabin 6, the seawing cabin. Aquarius was thrown in, the sandwing looked like they felt bad for her. Aquarius was chain up and put to work. 'Don't worry Eclipse, I'll come home soon....hopefully'
End of chapter, sorry if there is mistakes
