插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

So the ONE time in my life that I was guaranteed at least once a week I could talk to a person who rides horses.......

It ended up never happening :(

She was gonna join Kung fu, but I don’t think she is going to do it.

One of the things I want most in my life, is to learn to ride horses.
Sometimes I think it makes me sound like 5 and I am saying:
I want a unicorn for my birthday!!!

But at least learning how to ride them is ACTUALLY POSSIBLE XD
I haven’t felt like asking my mom for lessons though because I am afraid she will say no and it will be really embarrassing XP

I actually don’t even know of any stables that give lessons around us...

Should think that through more :|
