妖精ちゃんが壊れた.. (My fairy is broken..)
(※イラストは冗談な落書きなのでご安心を。 [※The illustration was drawn as a joke. I'm fine myself.])
あと一歩..探してるキッカケが身に付けば..何か行き詰まりを解決できそうなんだ〜..[Just one more step...If you can find the trigger you're looking for, you should be able to solve your problem~..]
あと一歩..探してるキッカケが身に付けば..何か行き詰まりを解決できそうなんだ〜..[Just one more step...If you can find the trigger you're looking for, you should be able to solve your problem~..]