あとは足だ〜!(All that remains is the legs~!)
今まで描いてなかった分、足のイメージが全く湧かない.. [I can't get an image of the part of the leg that I haven't drawn much of yet..)]
もう少しで基盤が出来そう! [One more breath until the foundation is completed.]
<おまけ・2枚目> (extra・2nd page)
ずっと前に描きかけて放置したやつ \^^/ [This is an illustration I drew a long time ago and left it as is. :D]
もう少しで基盤が出来そう! [One more breath until the foundation is completed.]
<おまけ・2枚目> (extra・2nd page)
ずっと前に描きかけて放置したやつ \^^/ [This is an illustration I drew a long time ago and left it as is. :D]