插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

Rant/vent? Ab ticcs
Ok so I just want to confirm that this is my body being a dumbass and it’s not ticcs

Ever since there was a bigger word on ticcs going around that’s when I realized my body would move without me necessarily, doing it
I’d convince myself that it was just me mocking it because I thought it was cool
Fast forward 3 months, I’m a little more educated, and I’m still doing this
It’s not behavioral, it’s more physical, and it mostly happens when I’m nervous, if it’s the slight turn of my head, or kicking my entire leg out
I’ve heard that trauma could be the case of it, which is scary because I’ve had a lot of scary and bad stuff happen and still continuing to happen to me, that honestly is traumatizing, I’ve honestly got a changed view on the world
I’m about that age, which sucks as well
I honestly don’t know what I have, if it’s depression, adhd, tourettes, I honestly just want my parents to take me for a check up already
