イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

Random thought
I dunno what,you do in these and might as well.. um ..try to do this.
Well the random thought is um well, things to do on this site. Like such.. or what I could do when I reach ten followers. Maybe I could draw requests , do other styles and doodles. Like landscape and realism. I could talk about homework if anyone would care to hear me ramble about how terrible homework is, and maybe life’s problems. I can talk to others.. like introverts, talk about improvement and Sanic hedgehog if I wanted to. I dunno.. never really done one of these and ehh? Um speak if you wish I will just be here waiting for comments and try not to be bored XD. Peace
