插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

TW// brief mention of abuse and pedophilia

God fucking dammit Ivy, you may not have turned on me as much as everyone else, but you still didn't offer any support or kindness over the guy YOU introduced me to abusing me. Even though we were best friends for so long, and you even had a crush on me, you still believed a predator, even after logging into my account and seeing the proof for yourself, just because you were both furries obsessed with Warriors. Why do I have to see something nice that you said not long before he lied. Why can't you just stay out of my life once and for all? I want to read my cousin's obituary without being reminded of how I was treated, and also of how Alex lied about having fucking lung cancer early in our friendships and then you compelled me to unblock him and become friends again. And he was the one that stabbed me in the back the most. Not to mention that it's partially his fault that I was ever "dating" that pedophile, because it was HIS dare to confess, I didn't WANT to say anything to someone so much older then me.
Why can't you people ever just stay away? Let me be happy! I found actual good friends and a girlfriend, the first relationship I've ever been in as far as I'm concerned.
I just want to live my life without any of you around me
