插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

Would like to say something while I’m on
you know how I’ve been more missing lately y
that’s partially cause of stuff irl but partially cause I just get stress
Idk why but especially lately my brain likes telling me I’m useless and mean
And obviously it’s just sort of hard to talk to people then cause you just feel like no matter what you do you’re gonna make somebody feel bad and ye don’t want to be doing that
It’s not related to what anybody has been saying to me lately, mostly just stupid past stuff
so yeah I’ll be trying to get back to talking more cause it usually makes me feel better when I can recognize that it’s still chill
But for now I’ll probably be kinda on and off still and I wanted peeps to know it’s not like
A big disaster or somebody did something or I’m all sad
we chill 👍
