일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

SnekaSneck Tyberiousfiresrone
메디방ID: TyberiousFiresrone

Tyberiousfiresrone CREATOR RANK CREATOR
Hello! Welcome! Other words for hi and greetings!
You may call me Tyberious
You may use any pronoun when referring to me, and I’m 13
Panromantic Asexual and proud ÙvÚ
May not post very often
Marble Hornets
Dear Evan Hanson
Be More Chill
Still easy to join more fandoms
Requests: Open
Collabs: Yep
Art trades: Yep
Mai choild is Crystal Malice
Check out my friendos
Silent-Death and SirSimon :3

I’ll be doing as requested, 15 random followers will be put into a drawing, if I draw you, state which oc, or i’ll Ask! If not, I’ll choose one of your ocs. If you haven’t posted, I’ll draw a personified version of your icon!
And I need a few themes... for something else (it’s related to the 50 followers I swear)

Also, unrelated... A scenic picture from the backyard of my dad’s!

번역을 표시

SnekaSneck Tyberiousfiresrone
메디방ID: TyberiousFiresrone

Tyberiousfiresrone CREATOR RANK CREATOR
Hello! Welcome! Other words for hi and greetings!
You may call me Tyberious
You may use any pronoun when referring to me, and I’m 13
Panromantic Asexual and proud ÙvÚ
May not post very often
Marble Hornets
Dear Evan Hanson
Be More Chill
Still easy to join more fandoms
Requests: Open
Collabs: Yep
Art trades: Yep
Mai choild is Crystal Malice
Check out my friendos
Silent-Death and SirSimon :3

  • CREATOR RANK CREATOR Tyberiousfiresrone 6년전

    > 😻OcelotLover114😻
    It’s for A L L of them. And, that’s a good idea! Though nobody looks at my posts, it’ll be a good heads up! Thanks!