Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Chapter Nine : The Revolution
After their short chat Peak had left to talk to Misty. She loved Misty but Peak had changed her. Their hatred for Air Dragons only bonded them. She missed her best friend. She remembered when she was around 9 she and Polarmist would explore anything together. They would build snow forts under trees, track polar bears, and explore new areas, but Misty wasn't the same. She never would be. She remembered that day so clearly, it hurt so much to remember it.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
"Hey Misty!" Calcite called over to Polarmist and ran up beside her. It was an unusually chilly day, but Ice Dragons could tolerate it.

Misty turned around, she was slightly taller than Calcite now so she had to look down at her.

"You're coming right?" Calcite asked.

"I have other things to do," Misty said turning her head away.

But they'd planned this since they were kids. She was ditching her when the day actually came? She couldn't lose her best friend.

"But Misty-" Calcite started.

"No, I don't have time for your childish games." Polarmist sneered.

"But we ARE kids," Calcite said a bit hurt. "You're too focused on this stupid invasion that won't happen until were 26 or something." Calcite shot back.

"Don't you get it," Polarmist got up to Calcite's face and stared her down. "This revolution is going to change our lives, and our children's lives, our children's children's lives. This will change EVERYTHING."

"That's all you ever talk about now. Why can't we just enjoy what we have now?" Calcite retorted.

"Enjoy what we have?" Misty yelled. "You really enjoy seeing the adults fight everyday over the throne? Seeing them fight for food? Seeing them fight for homes? Seeing them DIE." Polarmist roared.

Calcite flinched, she'd never seen Misty so angry.

"But Misty.." Calcite pleaded.

"My name isn't Misty," she hissed. "It's Polarmist." She walked away.

Goodbye Misty.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

When Calcite agreed to join in the cause, that's when they became friends again. Of course, she had faked everything just to be with her friend. Now all they ever talked about was how disgusting Air Dragons were. Misty had always resented Dove, and she would take any chance to slice her throat.
Maybe this was a bad idea, but she just couldn't kill Storm, she couldn't. But that would mean going behind her friend. Her brother. Her nation. Was she really going to do that for one dragon?

"Hey your back," Storm lifted his head when Calcite arrived.

"Yep," Calcite sighed and threw the knife onto the ground again. She sat on a patch of grass and laid down, looking back up at orange tinted sky.

"Y'know," Storm said after a pause of silence. "I still have no clue what's going on."

Was it even safe to tell him? He could die if he knew, but...if everyone already thought he was dead, maybe it's okay??

Calcite took a frustrated sigh.

"The Revolution." Calcite said plainly, but Storm could tell behind her voice there was much more going on.

"What's all that about?" Storm said sitting next to her, they laid and observed the clouds together.

"It was planned before our generation was even born," Calcite started. "I wished I was born before any of this happened, or better yet not alive at all." Calcite eyed crows flying overhead. "It was a plan to get back at the Air Kingdom for kicking our grandparents parents out. Ever since then stories have just been passed down every generation, and now it's come to us. Our parents want us to thrive, they want us to live, and to have better lives than they could've ever had. But the Air Kingdom declined all of our offers and pleads. They shunned us away," Calcite scrunched up her snout. "They shunned us away when all we ever were was...different."

Calcite didn't exactly hold her loyalty to her nation, but she knew everyone was going about it the wrong way. These past 200 years were full of destruction and pitfalls for the Ice Kingdom, was it a Kingdom? There'd always be a dragon trying to take the throne, but no one dared to attack Celcius anymore. Now the moment was so close, the time was drawing so near, it was time for the Air Kingdom to fall. It was time for them to feel what we felt.

"They've planned an attack," Calcite said, choking on her words.

She felt Storm flinch a little beside her, was she freezing his scales off again? She glanced and saw Storm's face glazed with fear. Storm didn't say anything, but he mouthed something. He said 'Dove'. Right...Dove. She somewhat resented her too, but not because of breed. No- she wasn't jealous. Ughh, blubber.

"It's starting in four days." Calcite said solemnly.

Storm held his head, rubbing the bridge between his eyebrows. He later sighed an returned his talons on his chest.

"I should've just been a messenger," Storm sighed. "I'm..I'm sorry my ancestors had beef with yours," Storm said. "I just wish dragons could see that we can still get along."

Calcite wished too, but she couldn't stop this invasion. It was too soon and no way Peak would back down. She'd have to convince the leader the stop the invasion, but she didn't have the guts to speak to her. Celsius was so cold, even for an Ice Dragon..

"But I don't know how to stop this," Calcite said in a frustrated way. "I don't know how to stop the invasion." Calcite sat up and curled her body into a bun.

"What are they planning to do?" Storm asked her, sitting up as well.

"They're storming Terragon Heights four days from now. Soon after, they're taking the castle and assassinating the king and queen. The Air Kingdom will fall." Calcite said with eerily glazed eyes.

"What?! Terragon Heights? WHAT," Storm shook Calcite up. "EVERYONE I KNOW IS THERE."

Calcite looked back at Storm with fear. She didn't know what to say. She didn't know what to do. She was terrified.

"Then- then we need to warn them," Calcite said suddenly.

"Then we can leave now!" Storm said turning to fly off.

Calcite was smart enough to realise leaving now was a terrible idea. They'd be spotted in a heartbeat.

"Wait, we can't leave now," Calcite said tugging Storm's wing.

"Why not? We're wasting time!" Storm said urgently, he was panicing.

"No!" Calcite said aggressively. "It's still late afternoon, ANYONE can spot us. We need to leave when the camp is asleep." Calcite said.

Storm stopped and nodded, good, she knew he agreed.

"In that case, we need to sleep and prepare for tomorrow," Calcite said picking up her blade again and rinsing it in the river. "We should rest up."

She glanced at the sky, it had begun fading from orange to a purple. In a few hours they'd leave. She was helping the enemy.
She was now a traitor.
It was now about 9 at night, the students had settled down and the camp seemed silent. Calcite and Storm lay under the moonlight and canopy of trees, their scales glittering. Storm had dozed off, but Calcite just laid her head and closed her eyes. She was thinking.
She was going against her own nation, she'd never be able to be accepted by them. She would never be accepted by anyone anymore. If Peak found out he'd report her to Celcius. And Celcius would affirm the ruler. This wouldn't have happened if OakScales hadn't wandered into the conversation. Calcite often wonderef why this camp, why THIS specific place. It could've been a secret location near Terragon Heights, but nOoOOoO. This stupid camp was chosen for the purpose of receuiting new members. Hundreds strong, and not just in this camp alone, everyone was spread out along the Earth Kingdom, it was the only closest way to get to the Air Kingdom without being suspicous.
Calcite flicked her ear, maybe it was just an animal or maybe it was the nreeze but something moved. It was completely silent except for Storm's breathing and the sound of chirping crickets. But something was off. Calcite peeked open her eyes amd saw a glint of something shiny. She closed her eyes thinking it was an odd reflection of moonlight.
Suddenly she couldn't breathe and her airways closed shut. She couldn't scream. She opened her eyes and saw a blurry figure grasping her throat, she saw beyond it was Storm. She needed him to wake up. She let her feet and wings create dust and noise, and soon Storm sleepily woke.

"Sto-rm," Calcite choked on her words. She nabbed the dragon's arms and tried to wrench herself free, she flared her wings and when she did she felt a sharp pain flow through her body.

"A-GH--" Calcite struggled.

Then suddenly both of them fell over, Calcite coughed and gasped for air. When she looked up she noticed Storm knocked the attacker over.

"So you've become a traitor?" A familiar voice spat.

Calcite's heart raced, her eyes widened.

"Traitors aren't tolerated," the voice said harshly, the white figure lunging toward Calcite.

"What the hail Calcite-" the voice said. Calcite quickly ducked to dodge the attacker's slash. "I thought you were one of US."

"What we're doing is WRONG Misty, we can still achieve what we want WITHOUT killing anyone else," Calcite pleaded.

"So you're going back on us? You really are a traitor," Polarmist said menacingly.

Calcite leapt over Misty, dodging her sharp claws. She didn't want to fight her best friend.. Calcite tried to flutter away, but the piercing pain still stung her sides. She glanced down opening her wings. Polarmist had cut them to prevent her from flying away.

"Misty, I can't fight you," Calcite yelled out to her.

"Peak was right. You're weak an pathetic," Misty said unpleasantly. "When he finds out-"

"Calcite!" Storm said from behind Misty.

Misty whirled her head around, her eyes filled with rage.

"And YOU!" She launched herself at Storm, extending her talons. "You're supposed to be DEAD."

Storm quickly flew into the air, Misty snarled, about to fly after him, but Calcite had gripped onto her shoulders, and with her blade began to slice at her wings.

"Payback," Calcite said gravely.

Polarmist roared and shook Calcite off, Calcite tumbled onto the ground, before she knew it Misty was ontop of her, the moonlight streaming into her eyes. Calcite moved her head back and forth, trying to fight Misty off of her, but Misty was larger than her. Polarmist had latched her right arm to her sides, clawing at Calcite's ribs. Her left talons were free to scratch the heavens out of Calcite's face. Calcite fought back tears and shot an unforgiving icy blast at Misty's face. She backed away barely shaken, but partially blinded. Calcite struggled to regain her footing, her sides bled out and stung like hail. The area was full of an accumulation of frost, the air was chilly.
"Calcite!" She heard Storm call again.

"Storm LEAVE," Calcite said, wiping blood off of her mouth. "You'll get hurt." Calcite shakily stood infront of her opponent. Atleast Calcite could fight, she wasn't so sure Storm knew how to.

Blood now stained both of their scales, Calcite dealt more wounds. She rammed into Polarmist, aiming at her neck with her claws. Polarmist instead dove to the right and sunk her teeth into Calcite's neck. A surge of pain flew through her neck and down her spine. Calcite was thrown onto the ground, it felt like she hit a cemet block. Calcite's head pounded, she glanced around as she was lying on the ground, her side bleeding out. She watched as Misty drew closer, giving a menacing glare at Calcite, both breathing quick heavy breathes. Calcite saw a reflection of light from the corner of her eye.

"So pathetic," Misty huffed, blood dripping from her mouth as well. Suddenly Misty stopped talking, and fell ontop of Calcite, limp. Calcite quickly shoved her out of the way and weakly stood, staring at her body.
Storm held Calcite's blade in his talons, his claws shook and he dropped the blade. A deep stab wound was located in Polarmist's neck, and the blade had traveled halfway down her throat. Her breathing slowed and she coughed out pools of blood.
Polarmist was dead.
Calcite automatically broke into uncontrollable crying, she ran over to Misty's body and laid her head close to hers.
Her best friend was dead, and it was all because of her.

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