Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
Chapter Twenty-Two : Ice King
     "PEAK. LET GO OF MY EGG!" She shrieked and flew over to grab her egg, a guard carried the egg safely on the pillow thing, while two others tackled her out of the air and held her to the ground.

     "NOOOO," She said even more angered. Harmony heard murmurs from dragons above her, some of them went like, 'That dragon looks odd, she has no wings.' And others were like, 'It's the Queen..' and some even, 'look at that dragon scum.'

     "If you move any closer, your egg parishes, along with Calcite," Peak narrowly eyed the Queen.

     The Queen whipped her head around, stopping on Calcite. She scrunched up her snout, staring back at Peak.

     "I don't care for her anymore. You work for ME Peak," she hissed.

     "Oh wow, she thinks she's still ruler," Peak laughed.

     "You LIED to me Peak," the Queen's voice cracked, it hurt, even for Harmony. "You told me the Air Dragons had my egg."

     So that was it. It was all a setup. All of it. Peak purposely took the egg to make Queen Celcius think the Air Dragons stole her egg, that way there'd be a war. But why did he want a war on the Air Dragons??

     "I know! It's hilarious how you believed me right?" Peak chuckled.

     "Nnnrghh," the Queen grunted trying to stand, but the weight of two guards rested on her shoulders, it looked like she was bowing.

     "Just give me back my egg," the Queen pleaded.

     Peak nudged his head, and the guards picked her up and trapped her in chains. She slashed and hissed, but still remained trapped.

     "I'll propose a deal.." Peak said darkly.

     Celcius looked up, her eyes still hopeful.

     "If you give up the throne, I'll give you back your egg," he said smirking.

     The Queen shook her head furiously, even she knew it was a bad idea. What did she say? That Peak had lied? So if Harmony thought about it..she wasn't the one behind the war. She was manipulated into starting it.

     "No, I'm smart enough to know you'll ruin the Kingdom," the Queen hissed.

     "Last chance. Egg. Or throne." Peak said tapping the egg with his claws. Celcius lurched forward, trying to grab her child but was only yanked back.

     "After all these years, it was a lie. All a lie. I finally had the Kingdom on track for a few years, our relations were finally boiling down, and you had to STEAL my egg to resurface our hatred," the Queen spat.

     "Peak," Calcite mused, staring at her brother a with a confused expression. "You what?"

     "Oh dear sister," he said shaking his head slowly. Calcite landed on the stage across from him. "You were far too young to remember."

     "Remember what?" Calcite asked. For the first time, Peak looked hurt.

     "The Air Dragons," Peak started, eyeing her father. "They took mother and father. They were the ones who ruined our family. Don't you want revenge on them? For what they did to us?" Peak asked, trying to make Calcite sympathize.

     "And you choose to hurt MY family?!" Calcite stepped forward.

     "Well, it wasn't intended you'd find Storm.." Peak hissed under his breathe, growling at Harmony's father.

     "I knew it was a bad idea for you to join that gang of ruffians," Calcite said.

     "But don't you see our cause? We're only doing the right thing," Peak started.

     "BY STARTING A WAR?!" Calcite hollered.

     "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Calcite, you'll understand some day in the future," Peak lowered his head and clapped his talons. The guards seized her arms and chained her as well. Harmony watched as her family was being all imprisoned in chains.

     "What are you doing? LET ME GO!" Calcite squirmed to get free, she acted exactly like the Queen.

     "Ice Dragons!" Peak stood in the center, his voice echoed around the room. Dragons settled back down in their seats, and the soft rumble of voices in the stands died down to silentness.

     "Do you see what the Air Dragons have done to us?" He boomed. "What they can do to our dragons?" Dragons looked at each other then back at Peak.

     "They have manipulated my sister to believe she LOVES this-" Peak paused to glare at Storm Sr. "This disgusting thing.." Harmony saw dragons muttering and looking at each other skeptically. Harmony felt that skepticism too, and she knew what it meant. It meant they didn't believe Peak.

     "The Air Dragons have caused our Kingdom to dwindle, are we just going to let them ruin our lives?" Peak asked pacing. Harmony didn't like this, she felt OUTRAGED. She HAD to do something.

     "No!" Harmony yelled, clambering toward the stage. She stood on the bottom, eyeing Peak in his cold, dead eyes. "You LIED to everyone! You did it once and you'll do it again!" Harmony screeched. Peak whipped his head to meet her.

     "Oh?" Peak laughed. "You're so tiny, what a cute thing, guards." Peak snapped for the guards to seize her, they advanced toward Harmony.

     "Peak is only trying to do this so HE'LL be king!" Harmony shouted. "He manipulated the Queen so she would START THIS WHOLE WAR!" she yelled arcross the room.

     "What are you doing? GET HER!" Peak yelled at his guards.

     "If he hadn't stolen the Queen's egg, she would've never started the war. He made her think the Air Dragons ruined your kingdom, but the only one ruining the Kingdom is HIM," Harmony pointed at Peak.

     All eyes stared at him. Peak stood uncomfortably on the stage, gritting his teeth. Dragons talked to each other, looking back at Peak then amongst themselves, the guards stayed put, shifting their wings.

      "Aren't you tired of this war? Imagine what it would've been like if he hadn't stolen the Queen's egg. Both Kingdoms would've been better than they are now," Harmony looked back at the crowd of dragons. "We are all but one." Harmony knew about Air Dragon and Ice Dragon history. She'd sometimes sneak from her home to spy on some Sea Dragons, and she heard enough to know that both sides were tired of this fighting.

     Harmony turned when she heard the small click of chains, she saw Melody spread her wings and look around wildly, wondering what happened. Dragons gasped, and stared in silence. Peak looked enraged.


      "Why should we obey you when you lied?" A voice echoed from behind Harmony. It was the dragon she saved.

      "Frostbite, do me a favor and hush up," Peak demanded.

     "Why should we continue this war if it's pointless?" Frostbite frowned, holding a concerned face. "I lost my siblings because of you!" Frostbite shut his eyes and turned his face down.

     Harmony heard a guard shift in his armor. Her brother flew from the guard, but he didn't go after Storm. Melody had managed to flutter her way to Harmony, and landed on the floor next to her. She hadn't seen Melody in a week, it felt so much longer than that. She took Melody and hugged her neck, Melody was crying. Storm tumbled into his sisters, hugging them from their legs. Harmony glanced back, all eyes watched them.. it felt odd no one was moving.. She let go of her sister, and stood facing everyone. She remembered something her mother told her.

     "In order to create a song. You need two parts," she started. "A melody, the main tune of the song. And a harmony, to support the melody, but just as important. But both parts are needed to create balance in a song. If balanced correctly it can create something beautiful, but without balance it causes a storm." Harmony reiterated her mother's quote. She heard another clink as Frostbite's chains were dropped, he came running over to Melody and hugged her as well.

     "This is ridiculous, why are you choosing to listen to a child?!" Peak said offended. He lunged at the kids, Frostbite flinched his wings and shoved everyone out of the way.

     "It's working, keep talking," Frostbite nudged Harmony.

     "We are all but one." Harmony repeated.

    The guard who held Frostbite stepped forward and stood between Peak and the kids.

     "What are you doing you idiot. GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Peak slashed at the guard.

     Harmony heard another unlocked lock clatter to the floor. She saw a flash of pale blue scales zoom by, and Peak fell to the floor.

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