일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

WataShu to END on Chapter 3???
The idea of WataShu was to make it a one-shot with an open ending to lead up to a series.
Sometime during the development of Chapter 2 it was realized that this project really can't continue any longer. It was scheduled to have 5 chapters before ending because Kurisu-kun is unable to continue after that.
The series itself would have had a lot of chapters equivalent to 8-12 volumes of a manga. Sadly, the story has to end at chapter 3.
There will be as much closure as possible. We were going to eventually redo chapter 1 as well to fit the story more but that won't happen either.
I'm sad to say that this is the end of WataShu.
However, as a writer, I want to create a story that I can be proud of. The inspiration for WataShu first came from a meme on a certain site. The story of a girl who is destined to be a heroine with blue eyes and pink hair. Many know of this setup.
I wanted to expand on that idea, and that's when WataShu (short for "doushite watashi ga shuyaku nan desu ka") finally came to light. As the project started, I kept writing the story line and it became more developed, psychological, deep, and filled with drama. Never intended to be a comedy which is why you don't see it tagged as such.
I never made a manga before nor did i know the process of making one. Chapter 1 was a first for Kurisu-kun and I. We learned a lot after making it. With him dropping the series after chapter 3, I feel it gives me a chance to redo WataShu while it's not too late. This isn't the end of WataShu. Just the end of the manga. For now.
I will reboot WataShu as a web novel, Kurisu-kun will still be on board to do the illustrations.
I will be dropping the premise of the story though, it will no longer be about Haruka and her "heroine syndrome." The story will be redone with that omitted.
The characters will remain however, the story will be renamed, and revamped.
I hope you all will understand why I am doing this.
And I sincerely apologize to those who enjoyed the manga to see it end soon.
Please support me on this next adventure and look forward to the new story.
No estimated time it will come.
Until then, I have a new webtoon (not manga) releasing this Summer:
Paper Bag.
More news on that next time.

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