Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Frostbite’s backstory- prologue
Tears poured down glistening white scales, as a dragon was curled up outside a small hut made of ice. Snow curled at her snout and through her dark blue spikes.
The dragoness slowly opened her slate grey eyes and shuffled her speckled wings. Flicking her spiked tail back and forth near the side of her head while her talons cling to the snowy ground bellow. Even this felt too cold for her.
Gruesome visions flash through her head. The screams of her mate as claws slashed his throat. Hugging his body as life drained from his eyes. The malicious look the Nightwing gave through his face while he gave them a grimacing toothy grin. Blood staining his icy blue scales as he breathed his last breath.
Frostbite winced at the thought. She was supposed to be strong. She was supposed to be the dragon that never cried. She was supposed to be the one who made dragons whimper. She was supposed to be the one who killed.
But now, all she is, is weak. She wasn’t strong. She was continuously crying. She was whimpering. She felt like dying. But why?
Her thoughts were interrupted by a subtle noise. A crackle almost. She gasped and immediately got up and peeked into the hut. ‘He’s here’ she thought. Tears still pushing through her eyes, filled with sadness and joy.
Frostbite carefully prodded her way inside. An egg the colour of snow was cracked. A small snout began pushing through. The small dragon pushed through the cracks, taking in his first breath, his first blink, his first sight.
Frostbite nuzzled his snout softly causing him to sneeze. ‘Ack and his first sneeze!’ She thought, laughing. The dragonet crawled out of the egg, shaking his blueish grey wings. His face reflected hers. The white freckles on his wings in almost the same place. His arms were tipped with an icy blue. The same icy blue that coated her mate’s scales.
The dragon’s silvery blue eyes gleamed at her in a way that made her smile. She smiled in a way she hasn’t done in months. The light in his eyes shone like the North Star. ‘North... that’s his name’ she thought suddenly. North stumbled over to his mother, tripping over his talons.
He fell over his unused feet and slipped at Frostbite’s feet. She picked him up, wrapping her arms around him.
“He’s perfect,” she said, “North... you’re the last thing Snowstorm has left me and I will never leave you”

Oof I did it yay!

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