Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
alrighty so
basically the thing is
I'm moving accounts
basically I have another account here and I'll be slowly migrating over there but I'll still stay over here

I'm doing this because medi rn is just sort of.. stressful? overwhelming? I dunno, but it just wasn't what it was when I first came here
I don't really deal with all this but I also don't wanna leave because there's cool peeps here that I wanna stay in contact with

So the whole dealio here is that I'll be lot less active on this account. I'll check notifs sometimes but I won't be using this account that much anymore. Also, art posted on this account will be only linked to the medi community and you guys.
All my personal art, my ocs, my doodles, they'll be on my other account. Hopefully, I'll comment more using my other account as well. I won't follow as many people there as well, I wanna try to limit it to people I want to talk to. Also if you find my other account, I kindly ask not to tell people and announce it. I'd rather keep it a small little corner for myself where I don't have to worry about attention or ranks or likes and stuff

so yeah, things will be changing up and sorry for the essay but I really needed to get this out

see you next coincidence

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