插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

i need to tell yall somethin
so my mom caught covid last Thursday and I got the same symptoms on Sunday as of yesterday I have also tested positive... it's not bad in my case, a small headache that'll spike if I turn my head too quickly, a small cough here, and there, and the fact that I have to stick to my room except when using the restroom because my brother and my dad don't need covid either. but I thought id share this with you because I'm lonely and have been quarantined for 6 days and will be quarantined for another 14 days -w- ill miss Halloween and I was looking forward to dressing up as pearl from steven universe and I might get behind on some school work that wasn't posted on google classroom. but other than that I'm fine :3
