Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
More Series Stuffs - Realm Development
Aesthetic: Cool Sands, clear waters, crashing waves, sea foam, sharp rocks. Celtic music
Geography: Many seafood restaurants and fishing grounds. Bays, Oceans, lakes, cliffs, rolling hills.
People: Faeries, which in our world would be a mixture of fairies, sirens, and mermaids. Watery folk, scales, seaweed hair.
Beliefs: All The people (all of whom are faeries) believe in mischief, can be a bit morbid with their amusement, are pranksters at heart, love animal fights and lulling sailors visiting from other realms to only the darkest of watery graves. Not Everyone Can Avoid Danger!
Heir: Of this current generation, it is said the heir was sent to the realm of fiery future to gain some motivation, but was then sent away to the realm of minds pen so he could not compete in becoming the ruler of stars. Where has he gone now?
Aesthetic: Golden sunrises, wildflowers, fields of tulips, roses, and sunflowers, soft pink clouds.
Geography: hundreds of aristocratically architected buildings for dancing and hundreds of gardens.
People: Griffinbloods who prefer to no longer be explorers, who are wealthy beyond reason and enjoy flaunting it. They cherish their balls and parties, and their gardens. They prefer pleasure over hard work, and are the most sophisticated of all the others.
Beliefs: All the People believe that the future is bright for themselves and prefer not to worry. They are of a very cheerful belief system. Party hard!
Heir: Of this current generation, it is said the heiress does not see the point of all the parties thrown for her, and that she is allergic to flowers! What a disastrous disappointment!
Aesthetic: Quills, ink, yellowed pages, old books, dusty and messy spaces, studies, scribbled notes. farming, bonding. Storytelling, longing to know of the other realms better. African Music. Drums, flutes
Geography: Many libraries, archives, and museums. Flat lands, African savannahs. Farmlands, harvest lands, livestock lands.
People: Capras who grew bored with farming after being the firs to discover that griffinborns existed. They don’t want to be griffinbloods however they just want different lifestyles that can allow them to be creative and educated and they are happy.
Beliefs: Most of the Inhabitants believe that education could someday bring them closer to griffins and develop them more and more. They want to be better than the other realms, and although all the other realms want that, mind’s pen is usually more confident with the belief that they will eventually be better than the others. There is no success without self-improvement and knowledge.
Heir: It appears that the heir of this current generation for this realm both struggles to read and pay attention, and that he is too distracted with the close relationship he has with the Heir of an Iron Will to care about it! Such a failure!
Aesthetic: Nuts and Bolts, metals, machinery, gears, clocks, carvings.
Geography: The widest of the realms, very widespread (from savannahs to Celtic-like lands) Many workshops, supply stores, and gemstone shops. All flora and fauna went extinct long ago and has now been replaced with machinery. Natural nature no longer exists, and only does the gift of being the only allies with Drowning Dreams save them from needing the natural nature. Pollution is a high risk, however, but that’s fine because the same machinery that poisons them can easily heal them.
People: Griffin borns who wanted to use the knowledge from earth and some Capraborns who grew tired of farming. These two groups of peoples decided to work together and abandon their former realms, resisting being brought back.
Beliefs: The people here love the idea that machinery can be created, and believe it to be the groundwork of their society. They are also a very logical and debitive people who love to argue over the smallest thing. Stubbornness is key to getting what you want, is it not?
Heir: It appears the heir of this generation is not competitive nor stubborn at all! He hates loud noises, hates blue papers, and believes that the realm should not be building an army for Konstance (the villain). What an idiot!
Aesthetic: Healing, medicine, herbalism, protection, warlike, fighting, swords clashing, arrows piercing skin, cheers at the most grotesque of surgeries.
Geography: Organized and freshly mowed lawns surrounded by grey bricked- camps, castles, and hospitals. Walls, gates, and battlegrounds.
People: Griffins (the more dragon like kind who cherish gold, lay agate-stone eggs, and love war/fighting) who still are visiting earth, this is the main realm for griffins. They travel to other realms very rarely and little is known about them due to their self-imposed isolation. They are currently flooded with gold due to the realm called “earth: being in a “gold rush”,
Beliefs: These are a people that believe that war is almost a hobby. Yet, they always try to keep people alive, and have gone above and beyond to keep people alive- even if the quality of their life doesn’t always match up. Suffering Is entertaining, its just death that is not~
Heir: It is rumored that the heiress of this generation is quite squeamish and prefers peace, and hates stealing. Where is her sense of pride? Why can’t she be excited about causing fear? Such a coward.

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