插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

Chapter Five : Uneasy Waters
Storm was quietly thinking to himself that night, resting in his nest. What happened earlier today took Storm off guard. Calcite was struck by this whole thing too, if she was, what if othet students were? Or what if others weren't..what if they didn't care at all? That conversation he overheard. Where did the dragons go? Did they disappear? Or maybe it was just all in his head. Lilac seemed so outgoing and happy the whole time, but is that actually what she felt? What about TimberWings? He was always so helpful but he never spoke about himself. All of these questions made Storm wonder if this camp was as great as he thought it was.

"Hey Storm, you've been staring at the floorboards for a while now. What's wrong?" Peak asked tilting his head toward Storm.

"This isn't right.." Storm slowly shook his head in frustration, burying his head in his talons.

"Huh?" Peak squinted his eyes.

"Aren't you even a little concerned?" Storm glanced at Peak.

"I don't think I follow you," Peak gave a confused look.

"Peak. There's something going on, sonething bigger than it seems, but nothing is making any sense." Storm rubbed his head.

"What are you talking about?" Peak questioned.

"There's a murderer. Maybe more than just one. And they're inside this camp. The teachers don't know what's happening, no one does." Storm continued.

Peak just stared at Storm with terrified eyes. He stood still for a long while, like he was thinking of puzzle pieces fitting together.

"How do you know? Someone told me Oakscales was attcked by a bear." Peak said, he was so naïve.

"No," Storm looked up. "Oak was strangled, not slaughtered by a bear. Suffocated by the neck."

"Bears can't do that.." Peak realised. "What the heck are these teachers doing then?" Peak gazed beyond their canopy, his eyes landing on Professor Spruce's camp. He then looked back at Storm.

"Storm," Peak said, Storm looked back at him. "I want to help. You're right, this is rediculous." Peak shook his head. "I can't live with the thought knowing that my sister might die here.." Peak said, hurt impailing his eyes.

"You have a sister?" Storm asked.

"Yea. It's Calcite." Peak said.

No wonder they looked so similar.

"Storm, Peak, you comin'?" Lilac strode up to their canopy. The sun was leaving the land once again and the sky had turned a deep shade of muave-maroon.

"Yea, maybe it'll get our minds off of this," Peak said facing Storm. "We can start tomorrow." Peak held out a claw to help Storm up.

"I'll see ya there." Lilac waved a wing and flew down, gathering next to everyone. Storm and Peak followed after, their friends greeted them.

"Hey it's the dragon I was telling you about Misty." Delta nudged an unknown Ice Dragon.

Delta sat inbetween Polarmist and TidalWave. On the right of Polarmist sat Calcite, and on the right of her sat Lilac.

"Hey Storm, get over here. You haven't met Misty or Dove yet." Lilac pat the log she sat on.

"Dove?" Storm asked, sitting where Lilac said.

"Yea, she's an Air Dragon, just like you." Lilac said pointing to Dove. On the right of Lilac sat Dove, she was a cream color with pastel periwinkle colored scales on her claws and tail. Storm sat inbetween Lilac and Dove.

"Hey." Dove said to Storm.

"Hey." Storm answered back, rubbing his neck.

"You enjoying everything so far?" Dove asked.

"I mean, the dragons are nice." Storm said, trying to forget about Oakscale's death. He glanced to the opposite side of the campfire, there Igneous sat with another Air Dragon, his wing draped along her back. Were they together? Well that caused a plethora of problems. Hybrids weren't allowed in this land..

"TRUTH OR DARE!" Delta suddenly yelled.

"That's so childish, we're not 10," Misty said, squinting at Delta.

"YEAH LETS DO IT!!" Lilac agreed with him.

Hmm. Unless you wanna do spin the seashell," Delta raised his eyebrows at Misty and elbowed her. She scrunched up her snout in response.

"No way. That's a terrible idea," Igneous said. "Especially when Flora's here."

"Does that mean you'd still do this game if I wasn't here?" Flora said playfully. She didn't sleep in these dorms, she stayed in another, as well as TidalWave and Delta. Sea Dragons had caves for dorms so they didn't have to climb. They still did it anyways to be with friends.

"Of course not." Igenous said defiantly.

"I swear you first years are so childish," Flora said jokingly.

"Well third years are just as bad." Lilac stuck her tounge out. "We don't act all petty like you, we just wanna have fun." Lilac said, leaning on Storm.

He was guessing Igneous and Flora were third years, along with Peak and Polarmist. While Lilac, Delta and TidalWave were first years. Calcite, Dove, TimberWings and he were all second years.
"Then let's just do T or D." TidalWave said, lounging on a carved rock. "Also I admire your handy work Timber." Tidal said slapping the chair. "This is amazingly carved."
"No prob bob." Timber said.
"I'm in, let's do this." Calcite butted in with determination. "Don't be a chicken Misty." She smirked at Polarmist.
"You guys do whatever," Igneous said standing up. "Flora and I'll be out."

"OOoOooOoOhhh." Lilac said.

"Don't get in trouble you kids." Peak said. The dragons laughed.

Flora rolled her eyes and laughed along, and together they walked off embracing the starlight. TimberWings had taken Igenous's spot.

"Yeah, I don't care what we do," he yawned. "Let's do atleast something before I fall asleep."

"Yeah, Storm, you in?" Lilac said. "What about you Dove?"

Storm and Dove just looked at each other and shrugged.

"Yeah sure, I guess." Storm said.

"Just for the record, I am NOT eating fireflies EVER again," Dove said fiercely.

"Yeah, that's everyone. So who's first?" Calcite asked.

"Me," Lilac piped in, standing up. "And I say..." she paused, eyeing Misty and Delta.

"Why did I agree to this," Polarmist facepalmed herself.

"Delta truth or dare." Lilac asked.

"Dare. I'm no chicken." Delta said determined.

"That's what I thought. I dare you..." she paused. "To kiss Misty." She gave a sly smirk.

"What." Misty and Delta said simultaneously.

Storm saw TidalWave's head look up from his chair, he couldn't tell what TidalWave was feeling, all he knew that it wasn't a good feeling.

"I knew this was a terrible idea, Calcite you-" Polarmist was stopped when Delta came up to kiss her. To everyone's surprise she didn't pull away. Delta quickly left her face and everyone was left in an uproar. Misty just stood still in her spot wearing a face filled with wonder, and the other half with disgust. Storm saw TidalWave looked away at the kiss and give an off smile when Delta sat back next to him.

"Hey, atleast you're not a chicken anymore." Dove said reminding Misty.

Storm turned to his left and saw Dove again. Her eyes shimmered with happiness and joy, the azure fitted her well.

"I'm next!" Delta said. "Dove, truth or dare?"

"Oh crud, what'd I ever do to you? I swear, if you make me eat those bugs again-" Dove said.

"Just choose." TimberWing urged.

"Dare." Dove said.

"I dare you, to take a dip in the lagoon," Delta said grinning.

"Eek, the lagoon? It's so mucky and...bleh." Dove squirmed.

"So is that a no?" Peak made fun of her.

"Fine. I'll do it, can't be SO hard." She shrugged.

"C'mon." Delta motioned his claws and told everyone to follow him. "This way."

The stars glowered above their heads, and the air was cool and heavy with the scent of freshly fallen leaves. They had reached the lagoon, everyone's eyes seemed to glow in the dark. Dovr hesitated in front of thr lagoon.

"Sooooo?" Delta said smugly.

"Alright alright," Dove bit her lip, slowly edging into the mud.

"Head needs to be under for 10 seconds." Delta added.

"Awe what. Guhh, fine." Dove took a breathe then dove under.

"Are you sure about this?" Storm said concerned.

"Well it's just water." Delta shrugged.

"Water?" Calcite skimmed her claws along the lagoon's surface. Her palms were coated in thick muck. "Suuure."

"Is she gonna come out yet? It's been more than 10 seconds." Lilac asked, which woke everyone up.

"Dove?" TimberWing called out.

"Dove!" Peak yelled.

TidalWave and Delta immediately dove into the water, only to return back to the surface three seconds later. Both dragons gagged on mud.

"What happened??" Timber said concerned.

"We can't-" TidalWave coughed. "breathe under there.." he said, picking at the gills on his neck.

"We can't breathe in this water, it's too thick, nor can we see." Delta said beginning to panic.

Now Storm didn't know what happened, or why he did what he did. But he went into the lagoon without hesitation. All he heard was Lilac yell 'STORM NO!'
Of course Dove couldn't stay under here, feathers were light and airy, but if they touched water or anything else it automatically became an Air Dragon's weakness. Storm's irridescent scales disappeared under the green water. He used his wings to propel himself. Maybe the Sea Dragons could use their echo location, but it wouldn't work since Dove was another breed. Storm felt on the tip of his left wing something whispy. He yanked something that felt like a limb and followed the air bubbles that escaped his mouth. The rest was a blurr.

"STORM!!" Lilac was still yelling when he returned.

Both Water Dragons had assisted Storm and Dove out of the water. Dove had a short fit of coughing, followed by some puke- but Storm knew she was alive. That was all that mattered. Calcite had been rubbing her back and comforting her.

"Y'know what. I'm never doing that again," Dove said coarsely, leaning on Storm.

"Delta, you're so stupid." Polarmist went to smack Delta on the side of his face.

"I think we're done for tonight." TimberWings said.

Storm gazed into Dove's azure eyes, her breathing had calmed down. Their hair was full of greenish-brown filth.

"Thanks." Dove said to Storm, closing her eyes.
