일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

I steal
What is your name? Wilbur or Sophie (nicknames are fine tho)

Orientation? Questioning

Gender? Nonbinary/Genderfluid

Are you dating anyone? yes

Do you have a crush? No

What country do you live in? US

Summer or Winter? winter

How many languages do you know? 2 (English, Italian)

Have any tattoos? How many? no

Have any pets? How many? What are their names? 2 cockatiels Cleo and Logan

Ever been to another country? Do you want to? No, I'd like to tho

Favorite school subject? Science (or elective)

Favorite beverage? Bubble tea

Favorite food? Fish and chips

Do you prefer books, movies, or video games? Games I guess

Do you have any favorite books/movies/games? Minecraft, Friday Night Funkin', and some of those Google doodle games

Ever been in a physical fight? No

What do you want to do when you're older? I wanna be an animator and/or an artist

Favorite fictional character? I have a lot, but I guess Garcello

Have you ever broken a bone or had surgery? yeah

Favorite genre(s) of music? Idk man

Favorite song(s)? Making Day, Lover, Nerves, Icarus, and maybe Feature Presentation

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