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Chapter Twenty-Three : Over
     Harmony watched in horror as Calcite attacked her uncle. She writhed her lips, slashing his back. He quickly fought himself up, shoving her and roaring. He shot a quick ice blast, missing her feet by a few inches. She darted into the air, dive bombing back down, they tumbled into a sidewall where the stands were. Dragons flew everywhere, some flew out the door. Others stayed and watched. The room erupted into chatter, guards unlocked chains and her whole family was free.

     Her mother fought along the floor, swiping the blood off her scratched face. Peak lunged off the wall and swiped his tail, scraping Calcite's left side. She winced, flying back into the air. Without warning the Queen darted from her guard who was holding her and attacked Peak. He screamed helplessly as she clawed his face off, gritting her teeth. She forcefully dug her claws into his wings, tearing holes in them. She took her teeth and impaled them into Peak's neck, he screeched flailing his wings and scratching the Queen's shoulders. She took and held his jaw, grabbing his neck, and in one swift motion twisted his face.

     Harmony glanced up at her mother who grimaced at the sight, shut her eyes, and turned away. The Queen stood, breathing heavily, some of the dragons had flown outside. Red blood stained the floor, and her scales were a bright flowing red from her own blood. Without hesitation she immediately flew to her egg, swiping her stained claws on the stone to hold it. She held it in her talons and embraced it closely. That egg was going to be the new heir to the throne one day.

     Harmony saw her mother lightly glide to the floor, staring at her brother. She landed, then plummeted to the floor, weeping. Harmony felt claws wrap around her legs again, when she glanced down she saw Storm hugging her, his eyes scrunched into a confused cry. She glanced at her sister, where Frostbite was embracing her. Who was this guy? She looked up and saw her father, still unresponsive.

     "Dad-" she said, and her brother looked to where she was looking. He dashed into the air and landed on the stage, Harmony climbed stones along the edges and when she got to the top Storm was tapping his father's cheeks.

     "Dad.." Storm said helplessly. "Dad."

     Harmony came up from the side, grasping his neck, her claws shivered. She realised for the first time she was cold, tired, and hungry. They had travelled across two nations in a day. She saw a weird welt on her father's shoulder.

     "He's alive-" Harmony breathed. "He was darted to keep him still." Harmony guessed from the bump.

     "My subjects," the Queen flew above the room, sounding much more regal.

    Eyes, bodies and wings shifted to face her. The guards looked confused, now that Peak was dead, they didn't know who they were loyal to.

     "This war had lasted long enough," the Queen ushered. Some dragons gave sighs of relief, others cheered, some cried with joy.

     This was it, the world was finally calming down, and peace would spread over the land once again. There would be no more war, no more dying dragons, no more heartache or deaths. The Ice Dragon Air Dragon war was over.

     She glanced at Storm, he wore the biggest, stupidest grin she had even seen him give. He went to hug Harmony, she was laughing uncontrollably. Storm then flew over to Melody, they stood, talked, and Storm handed her a necklace that hung around his neck. She smiled softly and took it, observing the shell. Storm ran off and ran to their mother next. She saw Melody explain her necklace to Frostbite, brushed it off, then handed it to him. He gingerly held it in his talons. Harmony saw Ice Dragons around the room smiling and darting into the air.

     It was all over.


Galactic Baby Galactic_Flow
MediBang ID: -

Inactive, find me on Insta: @galactic_flow_draws