Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Abortion is murder.
I don’t understand how anyone can be accepting of abortion. I’m a woman and while I would never want to be ….the r word…. ( trying to be bit sensitive here) I would not abort the baby if I got pregnant. I’m thinking on if I will post this on Instagram or not. I know if my family members see it they’d say they don’t want me dead.
If this person doesn’t sound rude to you. You must be as confused as this individual. HEK 292 …’s in our foods some other parts are in anti wrinkle cream. I’m disgusted, by the stupidity of this so called choice. We all make so many choices in or day , like what to eat what to wear, what to spend our time on. But most of us don’t wake up one morning and decide to take another persons life much less our own FREAKING CHILDREN!! Wake me up when God sets the sky on fire. (Or the earth) I’m so tired of stupid people.
FYI if anyone even finds this interesting, my mom was suggested by a doctor to terminate me , (like a rodent) but yup I’m here.

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