イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

Yo-yo diets are not always about eating

I was going to say somethings. I just don’t know if those things/ ideas are helpful. I’d like to be helpful but maybe helpful isn’t in my genes… 😅 I’ve been a bit of an insomniac lately have you ever read the manga or seen the anime insomniacs after school.
It’s rather interesting but I don’t think another person could be able to help me sleep like in that story. Oh and I’ve been hearing about people older than myself talking about wanting to live to like 90 something or 100. I don’t want to live for to long of a time.
Even though in the grand scale of eternity 100 years isn’t much of what it is here on earth. I want to have enough time to know that I’m really truly saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. But I don’t really want to be here longer than necessary but I’m not God duh so I don’t know what is or isn’t necessary but I’m getting tired of this life.
I want to go to heaven and ya impatient is my middle name but I’m hurting here (to sound the wuss whatever) I don’t want this old stinky flesh anymore. The bad habits I’m stuck in I wanna off them… lol 😆 I’m afraid that I’m not going to get into heaven I’ve wavered in my beliefs at times but I’ve believed in God since I was around ten years old. At times I’m still a brat but I was really a brat before I felt Jesus tugging. What am I to do with myself…. I want to leave myself in the dust, the song so long self by mercy me is what I want to do but I still got that selfishness in me holding myself back. I’ve been doing too much to stay friends with the world and I’m like silly lady the world is death so don’t be friends with the world, the world will tear you apart and spit you out at judgment day. I can’t go to where there is more pain, I can’t stand the kind we have here… 🥹


  • > Andrey Hmm that’s an interesting way of seeing things 😊 thanks for the input ☺️ I tend to focus on just the negatives at times.

  • A small sleep disorder is a small problem and can be fixed. As for usefulness, you are wrong. I will never believe that you do not do a single good deed. Living long means there is a chance to do even more good deeds in life. Life is given to us by God and as a test, to live our lives with dignity, overcoming everything on our life path.

Hi how’s it been

I feel kinda bad that I follow many people on here but rarely look at the awesome art. I’ll do wanna try to get on here more often.
Haven’t been drawing anything much myself. I had a weird dream last night and I’m thinking of attempting to draw something from it because…. I’m weird and dreams are weird sometimes….. like once I had a dream where I was in a morgue and I was talking to a dead person. Ya 😅 I just mostly dislike anything I ever draw. Eh picky I guess. Take care and like my grandfather says don’t take any wooden nickels. Why just nickels I don’t know 🤷🏼‍♀️


  • Maybe it's a metaphor. It seems to me that “wooden nickels” are money, since they are printed on paper, and the paper is made of wood.


I work on more than one drawing at a time and then sometimes completely abandon some attempts because it just doesn’t seem to work out how I wanted it.

I have rarely have ever drawn something in one sitting… I’m kinda wondering have I? ….. I figure I must have at least once maybe as child at least, maybe when I was a teenager was when I started not finishing anything in one go.

Remember when people say sweet sixteen, my sixteenth birthday was my worst birthday probably all of my own doing but …well I just didn’t find it sweet. 😅 a weird thing to change the subject to… I used to have certain types of dreams and then I stopped having these dreams for a few years but recently they started coming back and I think I can understand it from my state of mind has slightly been thinking about the things I’ve had thought of in the past….. I know this is rather vague but I think this is not really a good thing but I kinda wonder, is it completely a bad thing. Goodness I am not the brightest bulb in the package…… 😔 I need Jesus. I’m tired of myself and I wonder why I can’t just think straight 😅 La Sigh…..sometimes I’ve been sighing more often because I hope the Holy Spirit is really really truly with me. 🙂 I hope it’s not a selfish thing to do but I’m not sure what I need. Jesus does because he’s God and knows everything. Soooo…… Good Night or Morning. 😆


  • > Muna Sketches Right? I figured most people only work on one drawing at a time so that would just make me nuts…😅

  • I NEVER finish anything in one sitting. I think I have finished something in a day before, but I took breaks. With work and school it's now impossible- XD I'm not mad about it though. Lots of people never do a painting in one sitting! And I have LOTS of unfinished work. But that's how I like it, because sometimes I dont wanna sketch or figure out the anatomy, but just paint. And hey, I already have a sketch! XD And it's nice to swap artworks when you're bored with one of them.

Good day

I had a good day, but I’m afraid I’m going to forget things. Have you ever went to a event of some kind that was planned out about a year in advance and you looked forward to it but no reason to want it to be rushed. That was the other time that I felt a similar feeling to what ever just happened today. I unfortunately felt a bit more bubbling happy. I don’t feel to well because I didn’t sleep last night but I’m glad I didn’t try to skip church just to sleep in, we had a guest preacher today and I was close to tears by the end and then Sunday class was on a different book but it some how, maybe weird thing to say but the Bible just fits so well within its self. Word of God after all.
People have time and time again told me they believe the Bible has many contractions but I’ve seen videos of men who’ve studied the Bible more so then I and explained those claims away. I’m very far from getting things right, I think I need to stop a few things but it’s not going to be so easy. I think I love Jesus more then I did yesterday but I feel like luckily there might not be to much of a limit on that growth. ☺️ Sometimes I unfortunately sometimes have gotten mad at God because I don’t understand why he orders the way some things are… umm made to be. There a song by the group zoe girl called even if and a song by mercy me also called even if. I love both of those songs. Sorry for rambling but if you read said rambling thanks for the interest. 😅 😊


A shout out.


I’m glad I’m not color blind yay the bright colors…..I’m kinda drawn to it like the whole crows and shiny objects. I also follow too many people to keep up and I come across pages I’ve forgotten about and think, hey I’m going to follow this page……oh wait I already do 😅 sorry I don’t keep up. Hey anyone reading this leave a short comment maybe I can give you some views…. I’ve been missing out on some… I don’t draw that well any ways I sometimes like to look in case of maybe being inspired by something…. But eh probably not 😅


  • > ❄✨🎄TheFanartFREAK🎄✨❄ That’s cool stamp works as well. 😁

  • I dunno what to comment so I'll just leave a random stamp

Heh I can’t draw…..

So I was watching Sam does art on youtube and he was talking about this artist who goes by kooleen and I haven’t heard of her before, she talks harshly but I don’t know kinda in a funny manner so I think maybe she not so bad and just trolls … but anyway she said to draw eyes in this shape and it looks interesting anyways but Sam is good at art unlike me, so when he did it it looked good. I can’t really draw eyes well no matter what shape , I’m good at sticking with practicing either, I don’t even think I can get the shape right, she explained it like you draw that shape and then draw a bowl in it for the eye, heh maybe some of you guys could do it better. I’m working on some drawings but, ya. Durn some of people on here seem to post just about every day. Heh I’m so slow. 😅


  • Opps I meant I’m not good at sticking with practice, the not got left out. These things could use a edit button 😅

I’m wrong about a lot.

I’ve gone wrong to many times that is why I can see more and more I need Jesus Christ. In church once our class teacher taught us a song he knew that sounds like a kids song but can be used by anyone.. he sung us the Spanish version to but I don’t know Spanish so I can’t remember it, but it goes, I want to be more and more like Jesus, I want to be more and more and more like him. I don’t remember if there was more lyrics to it but it was just filled with a lot of mores 😆 one part just saying more over and over, I want to love like Jesus but my brain always tells me how can I be even slightly like the only perfect man who ever walked the face of the earth, because he became a man but he’s still so much more. Like think God more 😊 my eyes are dry my faith is old, my heart is hard my prayers are cold and I know how I ought to be alive to (you) Jesus and dead to me. That’s the song my eyes are dry by Keith Green. He passed away it’s a rather sad story he died in a airplane crash, I heard also that his wife was expecting another child at the time so he had one child he never got to meet. That kiddo better get saved so he or she can meet their dad. I really like his songs they always move me.


Happy Mother’s day 😊

I drew this for my mom, but I’m to ashamed of it to post it in my gallery but I’ll probably post it on Instagram. 😅 I tried some kind of side perspective but didn’t realize how it looks this lady has no shoulders heh I ought to practice figure drawing I just can’t do anatomy.. la sigh 😔 it just a random woman because I didn’t want it to seem insulting if I tried to draw my own mom. I kinda want to ask if she saved any pictures of herself carrying either my sisters or myself, meh I’ve only ever seen one to two or so pictures of myself as a baby….and I was such a chubby baby lol 😂 anyways happy mother’s to any mothers or to your own mother 😊👍 and also much love for anyone missing a mother.


Preview of grass 😑😅

😅 this thing I’ve been working on for I don’t know how many months and it’s not like it’s very detailed not much different from anything else I’ve ever drawn. Maybe it’ll be liked a bit… meh don’t know till I post it…😅 any way I’d be happy to finish it today but the reason this simple enough drawing hasn’t been finished earlier is because I would draw like four maybe five lines get bored hit save and work more on it later…. Like man procrastinate much , is that spelled right it’s not giving me a red line anyways….. I’ve always have been horrible at spelling and that makes me feel like Lois Lane, not the tough lady part just the can’t spell much of anything part….lol 😅 I’m just got to finish up this background and add some shading to the character but I’m so lousy at that stuff that I’d almost just leave it flat colors but I’m gonna try 😭 and I’m thinking of making a second background just for two versions. I corrected quite a few things in this it has to character in it and one I basically redrew the whole body because of problems and it’s probably still barf but not that anyone should even be wasting time reading this, it’s like what I’m blabbing for my own sake I guess. I can read this again later and remember how wacko I’ve been. I wonder how many pointless entries I had like this on DA. I don’t know if I’ll start posting on there again meh. 😅 well if anyone reads any of this, have a good day….I’m going back to drawing grass, glad I’m not watching grass grow instead. 😂👋


  • Eh I put a to instead of two…. They need a edit button to correct typos….😞

Changed up on me, I disappeared a tad.

I don’t work on any drawings very often but this is something I’m working on, drawing it on the coloring app pigment but I might still post it here when done with. This minion meme I found was funny, I once worked at Walmart like twice heh there was this comedian I was listening to and he was talking about that he grew up in a small town and everyone in his family at one time worked at walmart except for him. 😅 I haven’t gotten back on in awhile and I guess because of the changes I was signed out. Had to change my password to get back in, I might of wrote it down some where but changing it was faster then looking for it… man I hope I can still stay signed in it’s just easier…. You know us lazy Americans. 😂 I also need to exercise …I’d say more but well can’t really do more of what you barely do 😅😣😩 anyway if anyone reads this have a great day! and I hope you do seek Jesus Christ. 😊 third picture for the meme 😉


  • > Julia Lapin {Bunny Girl} Thanks 😊

  • The face is very well done!

Yo what’s up.

Check out this persons art their use of color is awesome I don’t understand why their view count isn’t higher than what it is or maybe was after a bit. Anyways I want to post another drawing but I’m sick and I don’t know how long I’m going to mess with it, I did a sketch and I’m working on the lines and not sure how thick I want them and I just hate my lines they don’t look good….heh heh. My throat hurts and I sometimes wanna hack up a lung heh heh. I don’t think I have covid unless I do and don’t know it, but well my sister was sick first and my mom on and off and now just my mom and I are not feeling to good. My other sister hasn’t gotten whatever it is but no worries I’m staying home so no one has to worry in case it is that lab flu. You know event 201 there was nothing surprising about covid to the people who planned it. Is hearing loss a symptom of covid lol I can still taste food though. 😆 my ears are just clogged up so my hearing sounds weird anyways enough about boring ol me I’m just back on to try to catch up on the posts from people who actually post art lol 😆👋


  • > Julia I know right. and thanks a bunch I should be getting over this…..maybe lol 😆

  • > tukuyomi Yup nice art, right 👍 thanks for the well wishes. 😁

  • > DarkIsMyName- Thank you, thank you ☺️ 😄

  • Oh no! I hope you get well soon!


I’m following 401 artists on here now so ya can’t really keep up with everyone or even remember all who I follow anymore, like I’ll be just browsing for something interesting and I get on a picture and not realize I already follow the person until I see the button. Haha 😂 and sometimes when their style is mostly constant looking I think I should of known. Anyone play line play? I told this story on line play and Instagram but well guess I’m telling it again, to anyone who’d even care, or if you do read this but don’t care, then I guess say ….. I don’t care. That 2ne1 song keeps going into my head whenever I think of the words I don’t care lol. Any way the story is I was getting on line play to get feathers for the event, (if you’re on line play then you know what the feathers were) so I opened the app to hear a new audio mixed in with the background music. I was a voice of a woman saying help me and sobbing sounds over and over in a loop, apparently other users on at the time couldn’t hear it and one player thought I was just talking about one of the story book things they have. Nope weird creepy audio that freaked me out, but it would of been worse if it sounded real because it didn’t sound a bit like acting, but it was still like heh as a bit a joke on line play I said if someone who works for you is in trouble be a dear and send her help please. 😅😂 heh heh ok I’ll stop now bye-bye. 👋


  • Eh two typos I see hmm needs to be a edit button…

Abortion is murder.

I don’t understand how anyone can be accepting of abortion. I’m a woman and while I would never want to be ….the r word…. ( trying to be bit sensitive here) I would not abort the baby if I got pregnant. I’m thinking on if I will post this on Instagram or not. I know if my family members see it they’d say they don’t want me dead.
If this person doesn’t sound rude to you. You must be as confused as this individual. HEK 292 …..it’s in our foods some other parts are in anti wrinkle cream. I’m disgusted, by the stupidity of this so called choice. We all make so many choices in or day , like what to eat what to wear, what to spend our time on. But most of us don’t wake up one morning and decide to take another persons life much less our own FREAKING CHILDREN!! Wake me up when God sets the sky on fire. (Or the earth) I’m so tired of stupid people.
FYI if anyone even finds this interesting, my mom was suggested by a doctor to terminate me , (like a rodent) but yup I’m here.


  • > DarkIsMyName- Heh thanks for that 👍 ever seen the videos from a youtube page called choice 42 , my sister recommended her videos to me once. At least I hope she’s still on youtube, hmm I should go look that page up again.

  • > TheFanartFREAK Ya I can understand the frustration. Sad times. Say ever heard of Spencer Smith, he’s on youtube I think his page just called his name Spencer Smith I’ve been listening to him lately, really interesting things he’s got to say. I was thinking of him because he says things are looking good because things are looking bad, you know like referring to Jesus Christ coming back. 😊

  • I agree whole-heartedly. What people are pressuring mothers to do is disgusting. Life is life and NO ONE can change that. Some people need to take a step back and actually use reason. How would they feel if their moms decided to do that to them? God, I really hope that America will get its views straight and actually see their wrongdoings. We REALLY need more people like you saying things like this, and thank God your mother kept you.

  • > Lostmyusername Yeah I do believe they can be forgiven if they repent it, I just sometimes get so mad at people who do such horrible things, sometimes I'll go a little too far with calling them names and stuff, it's something I can't help. Yeah and those mandates are really dumb too, now people are saying things about a possible 'cyber pandemic'? And like, why would these so called 'parents' abort their kid even tho they literally did whatever the thing you do to get babies? I really hope by 2024 things will be better in this world...

Just a ramble.

Opps I guess some advice I gave didn’t go over well. Does it ever. 😅 I just saw this video of a woman who tore down nasty, disgusting advertising for a dating app. Some one get her a reward for actually caring about the eyes of children. This world is sickening enough and stupid companies put nasty images in public places. Like barf up every thing that ate…. in this whole year. Then there was also that video of a very young boy being abused by some crazy woman trying to force a mask on him. He’s to young to even understand, plus masks don’t work. If you think they do, good for you stay in your bubble of insanity. I’m sick of the lies. There is no pandemic every thing is just stupid. If you don’t question what’s going on your in for a rude awakening when things start to get worse.


  • > DarkIsMyName- For some reason I don’t remember seeing your comment heh maybe because I don’t always get on and I just miss it. Thanks for the comment though that’s three months back in last year 😃

  • WHY DONT THEY LET US SHARE TOPICS ON THIS THING????????? If I could I would send it to EVERYBODY. I am so glad someone else on here shares some of the same views I have.


I haven’t gotten on in a few days, and find I got a few new followers. Neat’o. Thanks ☺️ Yet when am I gonna finish anything again, heh. I’m working on a few things but….meh. How are you? Any random person who’d read this. I don’t think I even have anything to say. So ya this is mostly just pointless. Famous people sometimes seem to have life more crazy at times or brain wracking. Money and fame doesn’t always equal happiness, and doesn’t ever mean true happiness in my book. I think I’m glad to not be famous lol 😂 and I’m not willing to make certain deals that I hear some famous people make. Why am I all of a sudden talking about famous people. Well I saw parts of a old interview of Katy Perry, I used to like her music but can’t stand it anymore like many music I at one time liked. So she was crying about life stuff and I remember also a old interview of Brittney Spears and that one was sad because she just looked confused and she probably didn’t want to look like that on camera but hopefully she doesn’t have any reason to fret over what’s in the past. I know I do that to much. I sometimes wish I did a lot of things differently. I feel stuck at times but I feel like things are moving in good ways at times. I’m to negative sometimes but aren’t we all at lest a little. Happy people rub off on me a bit ok…. Heh buh bye. 👋


Forget BTS

Love yourself says bts, I don’t and I won’t. I have no reason to love myself. When your worst enemy is yourself why should I love myself. I need more of God and less of me. I’m not talented at art as you can see but I’m worried though about what I can draw and what I should not. Because I say I could draw some bad things if I wanted. I’m questioning every thing I’m wasting my time on and why am I not doing what I wish I wanted to do more then anything there is to do in this world. I don’t buy the lies mainstream news is shoving down our throats. The people who took the vaccine are in a pickle, and I don’t wish harm on them but it’s clear to me that some of the vaccinated wish harm on people like myself. The world is going down the drain and obedience to the “rules” “laws” is just going to make things worse. Anyone in New York needs to get out of there unless they want what is being pushed. When I was big into kpop my favorite band was big bang and I feel sorry for what Jiyong had to go through and really all of them and my favorite member was TOP. I was saddened when he was in a coma and a woman he dated spoke ill of him. I see kpop as a waste of time now still sometimes listen to it not that I think I should. I hate the song Gd did with CL called dirty vibe. As weird as it might sound I hope Jiyong hates the fact that he agreed to do it. Maybe it’s not true that he believes in Jesus Christ, if that’s the case he can do what he likes and I don’t care. You see I used to be more obsessed with big bang then I with God. I want to be obsessed with God, I want to eat, sleep, and breathe thinking about God. I still fall so short and I wonder am I born again. I don’t care about the phrase, don’t work to hard. When I don’t even work enough. I tried my best to work hard for my last job, but I don’t know how long I will be allowed to still have a part of society. I am willing to give it up. I am willing to never again enter a store. If I’m not allowed as I am. Jesus took me as I am and it took years and years for me to really want to change but part of me is still in the flesh and I hate that part and I wonder if God will help me change that part. And I like cute non sexual characters with the cat or bunny ears but I wonder if that is a insult to how God created us and maybe can’t be disconnected from the wicked form of it. I hope God will be the comfort to all the confused and broken hearted. I sent what I believe is important information to someone but it was deleted. I wish people who don’t know what I know could believe in what I know. People can tell me I am wrong till they are blue in the face. I won’t back down, the queen of hearts is roaming and she can have it, she can have it all.


  • > Lostmyusername Yeah, I always get freaked out when that happens. 0-0 XD

  • > DarkIsMyName- Thank you, when I saw I got a comment so fast I thought oh no did a army take offense that fast. (Army is what bts fans are called) I might still listen to them at some times but ya things behind kpop and how the artist are treated is sad. I don’t find myself a vip anymore what they call big bang fans, my joke is I found out I’m not as important as I once thought….lol 😂

  • Also- your art is adorable.

  • Amen! We should always have our minds on God, and we can pray that he would help us do so. I dont know much in the whole BTS realm of things, but I hope and pray that he does believe in our Lord and Savior.


I deleted the topics I had for some reason…. Just mostly boring babbling of a not so sane woman. Haha……yaaaaa fun timeess. I love Jesus and the world is going bonkers so He should be coming back soon….ish.
I remember two conversations that doesn’t even feel like two because it was the exact same conversations.
I wish I had said something but I didn’t, I was worried how they’d look at me or how they might treat me after, but none of that even mattered. This conversation I’m referring to was a group of people saying they were going to hell, and talking about it in a great idea kind of way or a it’s going to happen and whatever kind of way…. Maybe anyone reading this might not believe in a after life. I believe hell is real but better then that heaven is. Oprah once told her audience that she thinks there can’t be only one way to God. Well Oprah doesn’t read the Bible then. Jesus Christ is the only way the only life and no one can come to God the Father except through Him. I for one hate the idea of hell and it’s complete darkness. I want to know the things I’ve never know see things I’ve never seen. I’m not a good example of a Christian, I’m afraid. Have you heard of this phrase. The party in hell was canceled due to the fire. Don’t let your life pass by without thinking of what’s at the end of this. I need that advice for myself so if no one else wants it then this this just advice for me. Have a good week. 😊😁😊
