Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

I deleted the topics I had for some reason…. Just mostly boring babbling of a not so sane woman. Haha……yaaaaa fun timeess. I love Jesus and the world is going bonkers so He should be coming back soon….ish.
I remember two conversations that doesn’t even feel like two because it was the exact same conversations.
I wish I had said something but I didn’t, I was worried how they’d look at me or how they might treat me after, but none of that even mattered. This conversation I’m referring to was a group of people saying they were going to hell, and talking about it in a great idea kind of way or a it’s going to happen and whatever kind of way…. Maybe anyone reading this might not believe in a after life. I believe hell is real but better then that heaven is. Oprah once told her audience that she thinks there can’t be only one way to God. Well Oprah doesn’t read the Bible then. Jesus Christ is the only way the only life and no one can come to God the Father except through Him. I for one hate the idea of hell and it’s complete darkness. I want to know the things I’ve never know see things I’ve never seen. I’m not a good example of a Christian, I’m afraid. Have you heard of this phrase. The party in hell was canceled due to the fire. Don’t let your life pass by without thinking of what’s at the end of this. I need that advice for myself so if no one else wants it then this this just advice for me. Have a good week. 😊😁😊

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