イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

Trapped in Chains Chapter 3
Eclipse was very near the Sky Kingdom. She could see the faint shape of it as she flew towards it. Mom liked to go there and shop for food and jewelry. Eclipse remembered one time when mom brought her there, Eclipse had gotten a golden ring. Eclipse saw a deep red figure fly out of the kingdom, carrying a scroll. 'wonder what they're up to' she thought. Once Eclipse was inside the kingdom, it was crowded, dragons of all tribes ran here and there. Eclipse saw some dragonets chasing each other, bumping into older dragons, some of the dragons snapped at them, others smiled. Eclipse saw dragons making faces at her. What was wrong with her? Eclipse bumped into a nightwing. "Watch it!" They hissed. " Oh...sorry... " Eclipse dipped her head to apologize. Eclipse had searched half the kingdom and found nothing, it was night as well. Eclipse was tired, the streets got emptier and emptier. Eclipse found an alleyway to sleep in, she partially disappeared into the shadows. Eclipse found cloths and made them into a nice bed. She laid down on the hard floor and looked up at the night sky. Mother was somewhere, just not there, Eclipse was starting to doubt she'd ever see her mother again.
Aquarius POV
Aquarius was working late at night, Duststorm by her side. Her scales were covered in dust. She was glad she had night vision, but Duststorm didn't, so she lit up her scales for him. She was getting tired of the horrible clanking sound, and pebbles falling on her head every few seconds. Duststorm hit the wall hard, revealing a beautiful jewel. "Oh wow!" Duststorm exclaimed. it was a diamond with gold on the edges. An icewing walked in. " you guys get to rest for now, " the icewing said. Aquarius nodded, Duststorm eagerly scrambled out of the mine. Aquarius went after him. They walked across the meadow to their cabins. "Well, 'night Duststorm," Aquarius called. Duststorm nodded at her. Aquarius walked into cabin 6 , there was a lot of sleeping seawings, some being woken up to work. Aquarius got onto her rough bed and quietly went to sleep.
Eclipse POV
Eclipse woke up, whacking her head hard against a wall. Eclipse got up, rubbing her head, the streets were filled with chattering and arguing dragons. Eclipse walked out of the alleyway. Eclipse walked down the streets to the exit of the Sky Kingdom. She flew out, not looking back. 'next up...Mud Kingdom' she thought. Eclipse flew towards the Mud Kingdom. Eclipse looked at the trees below her, each looking the same. It was going to be a long long fly, but Eclipse could deal with it. Eclipse desperately wanted to be home with her mother, they would've been having mangoes for breakfast with each other, but that wasn't going to happen in a while for sure, or, maybe never.
End of chapter
Hey guys, I might be able to add your ocs in my book if you want! They can have important roles or not, also, you get to choose where they are, at poisonfrog's camp? Sure! At the kingdom's eclipse will visit? they can also travel with her! But, I will only choose three people. Also, please point out any mistakes in this
