Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

good grief
bruh i think im having a panic attack- or similar
like i think sometihneg started it but now i dont even rwally know my brains just slike bbxhxjxjdjjdjdbdjsks cbfn all over
i shoulve known when my tic was really bad but yikkeke
ive finally managed to make tea tho so hey thats something
everythings just so werid right now like for no reason??
and since i cant even think properly abt what sstarted it its so baseless like wow my head sure feels wiggly and i cant really do anything but i dunno why like why was that such a big thing- i know rhere should be emotions attached to it but idk whst they are right now or why it was a big deal
ye i jsut wanted to say it somewhere i think whatever it was is getting better cause like i can type now and no ones trying to talk to me
but seriously brain what the junk

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