일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

hey guys back for just 2 more posts
hey, i don't know if any of you still remember this account or me in general, but i'm here for a final huzzah
so much has changed about me and my ocs and honestly i'm in a much better place than i was. i've grown a lot and as i'm about to turn 20, i'm looking back on my teenage years and largely everything that happened on this account. i honestly don't remember most of it? it was a pretty bad time in my life, but it wasn't necessarily traumatic. just too much and too embarrassing for my brain to cling to the memories.

maybe i'll post semi-regularly on this account again if enough people are interested/miss it, but if not, i'll just post these two pages and then go lol

번역을 표시
  • CREATOR RANK CREATOR orangipede 10개월전

    > Cipher
    here's the anthraxoverdose account
    made it for a social experiment that i honestly just got too lazy to keep up with, so now i just post normally on it now and then