イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

who boy late night topic time
content warning because this is a rant (more or less)
i just got hit with the whole feeling of not being able to do anything and man it sucks
i want to be a better friend honestly
i dont even know whats wrong with me all the time but something is at this point
i can't even respond to this one message saying i won a contest like that's how bad it is
i got some more done today as far as work but i dunno i just feel so bad for leaving so much of this for later and how slowly ive been able to progress
i know i should be kinder to myself but its hard cause it's all stuff that practically everyone i know gets on step one regardless of what issues they face about it
like doing driving tests and job applications, thinking about colleges and maintaining relationships
i just feel so weak honestly it's hard to get hopeful about it when it feels like i just cant do what everyone including myself requires and it's the literal bare minimum
im confused too about how to get to the point i want to be at or if it can happen and im like... aiming for the basics...
i dont want to do anything i want to feel safe like...
i dunno and i don't expect any answers or anything especially since im not being terribly specific
but yea it's just... Something. and i don't want to /can't bother anyone about it.
very sleepy so im probably going to try and sleep? i can't believe its 3...
so yes yes ill see you all in the morning if i dont get distracted :I maybe a wbf or something cool videos
