イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

Not related to art
Earlier today Dimitrios Pagourtzis shot up Sante Fe High School, located in Sante Fe, Texas- less than half an hour away from where I live and go to school.
Tragedies don't seem real until they happen to you. Until the beginning of this year, I was convinced it was impossible I would ever be stuck in my home because of a hurricane, while helicopters flew over my block and rescue boats drove down my street to save families whose homes were flooding with six feet or sewer water or more. now, 10 kids- my age- are dead, and they were killed only miles from my home, and this feels all too real.
In the past few months, there have been three lockdowns in my school district, one of which took place at Clear Lake High School when a girl thought she saw her abusive ex-boyfriend, who had texted her the previous night that he was going to shoot her. My mom teaches at Clear Lake High School. At the time, I had no way of knowing that it was only a false alarm, and it all felt real. My mom could have been killed.
Now, Dimitrios Pagourtzis, age 17, has murdered 10 innocent people, and I do not understand it. I can't even comprehend how anybody could be so evil, so grotesque, so fucking horrible that he could pull out a gun and steal the lives of his peers. If you hate your life so fucking much, just kill yourself. At least I’ll feel sympathy for you. But to declare upon yourself the right to slaughter others, to steal the lives of happy people who should not have died, you have destroyed every ounce of sympathy I could have for you.
So much has happened this year that I realize just how possible it is that some fucking psycho pulls the trigger at my school, or my friend's school, or my mom’s school, that somebody I know and care about will end up with a bullet through their head. And god damn you, I cringe at the thought of being evil enough to shoot anybody, but were this to happen I would not hesitate given to chance to kill the person who stole the life from people who had a reason to live.
30 minutes away from my home and my school, Dimitrios Pagourtzis pulled his father's shotgun our from his trench coat and began firing on his art class. he killed ten people and wounded ten more. Evil like that cannot be excused. For fuck's sake, it shouldn’t even happen at all. This is the reason we need stricter gun laws, not because we want to take away the fucking rights of some racist redneck dick wrinkle in Texas who displays the rebel flag in his front fucking lawn, but because my life- my peers' lives, my friends' lives, my families lives- depend on it.
And to any asshole who has ever, or will ever shoot up a school, please just spare us all and put a bullet through your head instead of the heads of your classmates, then I will feel sympathy for your hardships. But if you kill kids, I hope you fucking burn in hell, you deserve all that comes to you, and that goes also to everyone who has seen this happen over and over but still thinks nothing needs to be done about our current gun laws.
