插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

I had 76 pity i got her on my first wish aa

Not sure if i want her though? I don’t think i have any good stuff for her but i do wanna change my team
I have no good charas for her either no eula no childe bc i restarted my game on the ayaka banner >:((

With the characters i have i was thinking like a Baal, Diona, Chongyun, xiangling?? Or Baal, Sara, chongyun n Barbara? Fr i want a hydro ice electro team but Barbara’s the only hydro i got lol
I really want xinqiu and i tried rolling on the standard wish but i got nothing lol, i think he might be a featured on kokomi’s banner though so i guess ill just have to wait

Debating whether or not to use Baal i really want to but i feel like she’d be wasted
