插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

You know who you are
If you're for some reason checking my account, please, please just stop trying to fuck with my life. I don't understand why you can't just leave it be, you're the one that ended things. I'm moving on with my life, so why are you still holding onto it when you ended things? Please just stop trying to fuck with me. I expected so much better from you, I always put in so much effort to be the best I could be for you, always facilitated communication, always and constantly checked for your comfort. I did my very best and I just want to get on with life after all of that has been thrown away. Please stop. Please. I've been raising them since they were ten, and now suddenly you're acting like it's weird for me to still be in contact with them? Really? When I was the one talking them through mental health shit that no one else would take seriously? When I was the one giving them advice and care and attention? They're like my fucking child, please just stop. I didn't ask for this, I didn't ask for any of this. I just want peace. If you have any ounce of care left for me, please just stop. It's done, we don't talk, you don't have to deal with me at all. Just stop thinking about me please. I've stopped thinking about you outside of when you weaponize my insecurities and trauma. Please just let us fully go our separate ways and stop dealing with this. For both of our sakes. Please.
