あと〜少しぃ~ (a little more~)
こ..これは..職場の情報漏洩だ〜.. [Is this a workplace information leak?]
いえ、自部屋です!もう..性格出てるよね〜[No, it's not. It's my room. It's showing up in my personality.]
部屋の整理と言いつつ..怠けて4~5年長引かせてしまった。[I said I was cleaning up my room, but I got lazy and ended up delaying it by 4-5 years.]
一番思考鈍らせてるの部屋の整理だから..早く終わらせたい。[Especially organizing my room gets in the way of my thinking..I want to finish it quickly.]
絵描けるようになって..やってみたい事いっぱいあるんだよな〜 [If I could learn to draw... there are so many things I'd like to try.]
いえ、自部屋です!もう..性格出てるよね〜[No, it's not. It's my room. It's showing up in my personality.]
部屋の整理と言いつつ..怠けて4~5年長引かせてしまった。[I said I was cleaning up my room, but I got lazy and ended up delaying it by 4-5 years.]
一番思考鈍らせてるの部屋の整理だから..早く終わらせたい。[Especially organizing my room gets in the way of my thinking..I want to finish it quickly.]
絵描けるようになって..やってみたい事いっぱいあるんだよな〜 [If I could learn to draw... there are so many things I'd like to try.]