插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

Grand return
Guess who's back?
Yeah i was inactive for a long time, for three reasons
1. School 2. I was to lazy to come back 3. Life.
Anyways, what happened when i was gone? Anything fun? Boring? A fight? Lol idk.
Well, on october 13th ill be 19! So ill make sure to be around that time (KST).
Oh yeah, and an update on my leg, i dont need the crutches anymore or the cast, but its kinda sore to get used to using my leg normally again, so they give me these exercise to help me.
Yes and tell me if i need to draw anything for you guys (if i forgot, i dont really remember)
Ok, hello again ^^
