イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

Chapter Two : Unexpected
What was this feeling? She wasn't scared. She wasn't very happy to leave her family. She didn't know how to feel exactly.

The Sea Kingdom looked very plain, she had only ever saw a glimpse of it when her father taught her how to fly. The beach had traces of life, footprints disappeared into the sea. Melody wondered how the Sea Kingdom looked when the tide was down. Was it as big as dad said it was? She knew her father loved the sea, it was what they held in common. Melody let her talon skim the surface of the water. Just a few hundred feet away was the Water-Earth border, to the right of there was a four point border, where the Earth and Water Kingdoms met the sky islands of the Air Kingdom, and the Ice Kingdom branched it's way to the corner. She heard something odd. Something she had never heard before. She saw odd looking trees, that before, she could only see from a distance. She saw different birds and different plants, even the air smelled different. It smelled like life.

She landed on grass for the first time. It was much more comfortable than sand or rock. She didn't understand why her parents didn't want her going here. Everything was so much better. She laughed and darted upward out of the trees. There were so many, miles and miles of endless trees. She heard chirping, but it didn't sound like any bird she could think of. Was it a new bird? It sounded like there were thousands of them all over the land. What we're those tiny creatures called? Crickets? Her father told her about those. She saw tiny little lights as well. Like mini bugs with little lights on their backs. Melody was intrigued, how did they glow? Was the light heavy? Where do they come from?

Melody glided over trees, she saw on the left the peaks of Ice Dragon territory. Maybe she could learn about where her mother came from. And far in the right she could see endless sky islands. She could learn about her father's home. She could collect more rocks and see dragons like her. She flew in that direction, curious to find as much as she could. The air increasingly became colder as she flew near the Ice Nation territory, the trees in the Earth Kingdom had frosted over and lost some leaves. The border consisted of large boulders, a giant one was located where all 4 Kingdoms met. She silently flew along the Air Ice border, her left side felt a chilly breeze while her right side heard the sea under the sky islands.

She didn't expect to see the Air Islands so devastated. The land looked frozen over the border, like the Ice Dragons had taken and frozen it themselves. The huts that were along the border were destroyed and encased in ice. Pots were knocked over, things were broken, posts were split and torn out, it was as if everyone left in a hurry. Melody remember when her mothed told her about the war going on, she didn't know it was this bad. Her mom told her not to worry about it, that everything was fine. How could everything be fine when it wasn't? The Air Kingdom along here was silent, and dead, everything around here had been abandoned. Farther into the territory she saw lights near the castle, and little quickly made houses. She was gussing residents moved there for protection. The castle was tall and grand. Her father told Melody that he'd been inside it more than once. She imagined it as regal as she was told. On the Ice side there were no houses, they were all stationed far off into the mountains. Wait a second.

She saw something white all over the ground and leaves of trees. Trees in the Ice Kingdom were white? She flew deeper into Ice territory and found different trees. They had spikey points and a dark green hue. It smelled like a pinecone her mother gave her before. Were these those pine trees?

When she landed on the ground she felt a small crunch. When she lifted her talon she noticed she left an imprint on the ground. What was this stuff? It didn't seem to hurt her, it was just very cold. She scraped the stuff aside and saw grass underneath. It was like a big fuzzy blanket.

"Who goes there?" A commanding voice said sternly. Melody jumped.

Melody didn't see it coming. She felt a cold rush of air and a blur of sky blue scales. When she was thrown to the ground she looked up and saw another dragon staring back down at her. He had peircing royal blue eyes, and when they glared at her she froze.

"Wait, what are you doing this far out?" The dragon spoke to her skeptically. He looked at her in a strange way, like he was confused. "All Ice Dragons should be farther into the territory."

Then she knew. He was thinking that Melody was another Ice Dragon. Yet- one problem. She had feathers for wings. Apparently he got the message.

"WHO ARE YOU," He commanded and pinned her head back down.

Melody tried to squirm away, flailing her wings along the ground. The white blanket broke into pieces and flew all over the place. Melody managed to break free and darted behind a tree, she heard a crunch noise and glanced to her right. She just dodged an ice blast. The stranger ran up to her, Melody quickly ducked and darted away from the trees, reaching a clearing. He was getting ready for another attack. Melody didn't know what to do, she had no basic fighting skills. Except-

She sent a quick burst of fire into his face. He shook his head and just stood and stared.

"Hybrid," he breathed. Now was her chance. She turned around and whisked herself into the air. Flying back to the Earth Kingdom. She had enough adventuring for this night. She didn't want to see the Ice Kingdom again.
