イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

I miss my friend
So, um
I was kinda hoping by the time I was gonna post this, my friend would have been back by now, but...
They're not.
Last time I saw Wolfie was about a month ago. I haven't heard from them since. I've been worried sick tbh. I just figured they've been getting busy, since school starts for them this month, but even when school was in session a few months ago, we still talked.
I have my theories as to why, but I won't say them here, since it's kinda confidential stuff between me and them. As of now I'm just waiting for them to someday get back to me. But I'm afraid I might never see them again.
But, whenever they do... I'll be there. If anyone has some info as to what happened, feel free to tell me. Last time I saw them was on the 14th.
A little iffy about posting this, but I kinda felt like ...venting I guess.
I hope they don't get mad at me for saying this agh
