イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

good mornaanngg
i still use this soup photo lol
(ahead is a bit of a vent so beware ^^)

this probably will sound a bit selfish and mean of me, but like... bruh i just want a bff again
i used to have this bestie for like 5 years when i was younger before we split up cuz of arguments (lol i had anger issues or somethin, we both didnt know better and needed to learn), and it's been over 3-4 years since we split and i miss her soooo so so much =( she was my online bestie, my real life bestie, we played games together, we all (friend group) did art, we had the same interests, liked the same fandoms, liked the same music, had voice calls together, she had a super cute n funny personality, just...
i want that again =(
being homeschooled is pretty lonely-- i swear, without Muna i'd literally be sad to the point of depression, probably XD-- so i'm lucky i have such a cool sister like her lol
i do have 2 close friends, and one of them is probably my bestest friend i have, but i only see them like what, 1-3 times a year ? and the other one is a really nice friend, i love her but she's a little less mature, doesn't have the same interests, ect--
sighh idk, i just feel lonely tbh
but yeah it's why i feel so drawn to people i find here on Medibang who draw furries and go 'XD' and stuff, cuz it reminds me of... her =( but... no one will ever be the same as she was
but ima be real, she prooobably doesn't care about me anymore and wants to move on with life without me lol...

i miss you, Ginger ;w;
