Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Chapter Twenty-One: The Search
     Her heart raced, SHE JUST LET HER BROTHER WALK OFF WITH THE DRAGON THAT TOOK HER FAMILY IN THE FIRST PLACE. Raaggh, what was she thinking? But she couldn't take him on, even if she tried Peak would know she was part Air Dragon. Atleast Storm had a chance to fool dragons, but the question was, for how long? Her mother and her galloped down the hall, she can't believe she managed to do that. Who knew claws were also very handy lock picks. Her mother was fast, but larger, so it slowed her. Harmony was slower, but she was smaller with more energy, they paced well with each other.

     "Your father," her mother uttered.

     "What about him? Are we going to get him?" Harmony asked, nearly running into a huge stalagmite.

     "I heard he was in a court," she winced, making a hurt expression. "I think I know where it may be." She herded Harmony down several halls.

     How did she know? Sometimes she thought her mother had super hearing or something and just never told her. Sometimes her brother would do the same. This whole time her head was a mess of swirls. So her sister ran away, her family got captured, her dad was probably going to die, her brother just went off with an insane dragon and she had absolutely no clue where her sister could be. Her limbs shuddered, she didn't like this place, she just couldn't show she was so scared for the sake of her brother.

     Harmony gazed up and down the deep blue-black halls. Small torches lined the walls, glimmering a dim orange. How did they get torches here? What the feathers. Long overhanging stalactites loomed overhead, watching them. Her mother abruptly turned a corner, Harmony skidded then briskly followed. She saw a room up ahead, with a large oval shaped archway. Oh- she was NOT ready for whatever was in that room, but Harmony somehow knew that was exactly where they were headed.

     When they reached the room her mother stopped at a screeching halt, whirling her head around. Dragons' eyes stared at them from every inch of the room. Looks of disgust or curiousity spread across the room like a virus, it was silent except for the shifting of wings or shuffling of limbs. Harmony could feel the hate crawling through her scales, yet no one moved a muscle or yelled out anything. The room was circular, tall and elegant, with long tapestries hung along the walls. Light blue, stood for Ice Dragons.

     "STORM!" Calcite gave a shrill shriek. She rushed to her mate but two guards stepped forward and held spears in a cross in front of her. But they didnt hurt her.

     Her father was chained by the neck, wings, and limbs. His head loped to the side, he had wounds along his body. He seemed unresponsive, but still alive. He lay on a raised piece of ground, she gussed it was a stage of some sort. She glanced toward the middle, where her sister sat, with the same chains. Oh Melody, she had been tortured enough, now she was back in this horrid place. Her wings had spots of bare skin that had been scabbed over, and some of her feathers had fallen off. Did they hurt her by pulling off her feathers? She had never seen her wings like that, not even her father's. She looked up, her eyes red and her snout beaten, her eyes widened and she called out coarsely for Harmony's name. The room didn't seem to hear.

     "Ah, the dragons I was waiting for," a voice boomed from behind a desk in the center. He walked from another hall that led to this room, and paced around the middle desk. A few dragons brought out a fancy looking- uh thing? It held a gorgeous egg, a pale white with some little blue speckles here and there. That was what Storm had told her about..that was the egg, but from whom?

     "Peak, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS," Harmony heard her mother roar, she had never heard her get so angry.

     Peak nodded his head and the guards blocking her path moved out of the way, she ran across the room, up to the stage, fluttering into the air to nab at her brother. He stepped aside with brisk movements, like he knew Calcite would've done that.

     "Release my husband! And free my daughter!" She hissed, hovering in the air. Harmony scampered over, she couldn't get a good angle, she couldn't fly.

     Peak's eyes then landed on Harmony, it felt like a peircing spear through her own eyes. He had a stare that was almost a realisation. He stopped and ignored Calcite.

     "Oh sister, you have twins?" He said in an oddly melancholy way.

     'Peak is my UNCLE?!' Harmony thought. She remembered Storm talking about that, she just didn't want to believe it.

     "What a peculiar one this is," he shifted his wing to point at Harmony. All eyes landed on her, and she HATED it.

     "Free my family," Calcite ignored Peak's comment, hissing.

     "Oh, why you're not going to stay for the show?" Peak added slyly, arching his head toward his sibling.

     Just then Harmony heard scrabbling from behind her, a guard walked through the tall entrance, all eyes shifted. She heard Melody make a small gasp. Harmony saw two familar dragons. There was an Ice Dragon she didn't know the name of, but she knew who he was. She had saved him after Peak had tackled him into the water, he had come along when Melody returned to the island with that Rock Dragon. And another smaller dragonet was grasped by arm, he was so small he didn't need any chains or restraints. Storm. Now that they were both in the same room, Peak and Storm looked so similar, it scared her.

     "This one was hard to get, but we nabbed him hiding," one guard said gruffly, tugging his arm.

     "I'm sorry," Harmony saw her brother mouth, but no sound came out.

     Just then heads shifted and wings shuffled, what was going on? Storm looked around wildly, like he heard something too. All of them could, except for her father, sister and herself. What was going on? She glanced at her mother to see what the matter was.

    "No," she saw her mom mouth too.

    The pebbles and rocks on the floor lightly rocked back and forth, then jumped with a paced rhythm. Then she heard it, roaring. Outraged sorrowful roaring, coming straight this way. The guards shifted uncomfortably, and the room seemed tense, the dragon in the seats murmured uneasily. A few moments later a dragon burst into the room, the dragons jumped and some flew away into the air, wings crowded the space.

     "MY EGG," the dragon who came inside roared. She lashed her tail around, looking betrayed. Harmony had only just noticed all the guards, they all had metal wristbands.

     "Hello Celcius," Peak said with crisp diction. "Welcome to the court." He grinned.

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