Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Chapter Seven : Do or Die
Storm didn't end up running very far, but far enough so the others couldn't find him, and they were out of his earshot. He breathed short heavy breathes, glancing behind himself every now and then. Nothing was right, nothing could ever be right. Pfft. Ice Dragons. They'll never change.
He thought about what Misty said. Her words replayed in his mind repeatedly.
"You petty Air Dragons, you think you're just ALL that."
This irritated Storm. It shouldn't though.
It was true.

He held his head on his claws, lying down in the grass. What did he just do? He just destroyed his friendships, what would everyone think of him now? He thought finding out who these killers were would help them, instead it broke the group apart. Storm glanced up gazing at the night sky, it was a kaleidoscope of stars. Small slivers of moonlight leaked through holes in the canopy.

Storm thought about what had happened all those years ago, two generations before him there were dragons who thought the Ice Dragons weren't good enough. But he wanted to know what actually happened. He heard stories that when the Ice Dragons were kicked out of the Air Kingdom, they began to steal from them, but why? Why were they kicked out?

The murders however were another story. He had a few details, but couldn't piece anything. OakScales was the first to die, suffocation from enstranglement and bloody wings. A Rock Dragon with a good reputation. Storm had asked around in earlier weeks to see how Oak was like. He was quiet, and a gentle giant, he would never speak out of line, he was always curtious. He learned background on him too. He took private lessons in the Air Kingdom for a short while, making him an Air Kingdom supporter. Someone had told Storm that Oak wanted to join the army one day, incase things got sour between the Air and Ice Kingdoms.
The second who died was Flora. He still didn't understand why she died. No one knew why. From Storm's viewpoint she seemed like the last to be killed. She was caring, generous, the calm one of the group. She was like the older sister of everyone, she took care of others and treated them like family. She said she was going to visit her family in the Air Kingdom, she left but never returned. Her body was found in the forest 3 days after. Her wings serrated by the shoulders, the left wing had been cut clean off. The weekend after Storm had arrived.
The most recent to die was another Air Dragon named Stratus. He was a messenger who delivered letters to and from the Air Kingdom, he only came often. Dragons had told Storm he had stayed a little while in Mellowbrook for his girlfriend, some said he went into the forest to have a picnic with her, and his friend told Storm he was planning to surprise her. He had to leave for the Air Kingdom after their picnic. Her only surprise was he had been strangled when she arrived, his wings sliced as well. That was last weekend.
Now it was a new weekend.
Storm immediately stood up.
A new weekend.
Someone was going to die again.

It was silent that night, no one spoke to each other when Storm arrived to the canopy.
It was early in the morning the next day, Storm had gotten out of his canopy bed while the others slept. Igenous, Peak, and TimberWing all slept facing away from each other. Dove would be gone today, visiting her family, so he didn't have anything planned.
Storm silently glided down behind his canopy tree, going past the firepit which was now filled with ashes. He sat on another bench created by Timber, the area here was closed off with trees and taller grass, making the place look secluded like a safe haven. He heard chirping, and a small thud. A dove had fallen onto the ground, he walked over to it and bent down his head. It looked back at him with small beady eyes. Storm lifted the creature into his palms, letting it fly off again.
Storm felt overwhelmed, he felt like panicing. He knew the pattern of the killings, someone would die today, he just didn't know who. He knew the pattern, what he didn't know was how you'd become a target.

"Storm?" A voice quietly said.

Storm snapped out of his thoughts and turned around, only seeing it was Calcite. She rubbed her arm lightly.

"What do you want." Storm said, wanting Calcite to leave him alone. He was still partially mad at her, but he couldn't when she didn't do anything wrong.

Calcite slowly shook her head. "Storm I'm sorry," she said in the same choked tone Storm's mother sounded like before she said goodbye. Her right wing was bent awkwardly.
"I know I should've done something. And I know everything that was said was wrong, I just hope you'll forgive me." Calcite pleaded.

"For what? You did nothing wrong." Storm stood up facing her.

She looked down at the ground, looking ashamed.
"That's not it," She trailed off.

They were both startled by the rustling of leaves, Storm flinched and his wings stayed tense. Calcite stood still, but not at all on edge. She looked calm.

"Calcite?" Peak poked his head through the foliage, he ignored Storm. "Oh, you're both here." He said in a serious way. He quickly left soon after flicking his tail, the spikes shimmered in the morning light.

"Storm listen to me," Calcite quickly said tugging his arm.

"Huh?" Storm felt his heart leap when she looked him his eyes, but instead he gave Calcite a confused look.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry," she sounded panicked, was she okay?

"Are you alright?" Storm asked, concerned for her.

"No, no I'm not. Listen, we need to go," she turned around still holding his arm. She began to walk away but Storm stayed put.

"Calcite what's wrong?" Storm said. She was fidgety and jumpy, maybe she forgot something and needed help. Or maybe she wanted to show him something.

"Storm we don't have time." She yanked his arm once again and this time his feet moved.

"I don't understand, where are we going?" Storm called to Calcite.

"Not so loud, c'mon," Calcite hushed Storm.

"Can't you just tell me where were going??" Storm said urgently.

"We need to get far away from him," Calcite said quickly, they were at a trotting pace now. Far away from who? Was someone after them?

"Calcite!" Storm ran up and grabbed her other arm and yanked her close. "Calm down." Her breathing was quick and her eyes sparkled. They watered a little.

"I'm sorry," she yanked her head away and opened her right wing, which was still awkwardly bent until now. A sharp blade fell into the soil. She collapsed onto the ground and Storm saw her shoulders bob up and down.
Storm ran over to Calcite, staring at the blade. He nudged her back, trying to make her look up. She mumbled words while she was crying.

"I couldn't do it, I couldn't," She held her face, her body was shaking.
Without knowing what he was doing he took Calcite and hugged her, he knew it was wrong, but Dove wasn't here.

"I'm sorry Storm," she was uncontrollably crying and gasping for air. "I couldn't kill you."

Calcite was a murderer.

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