Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Ok y’all let’s chat abt this
Why are you guys promoting your own artwork?
Like I get your proud of something like good for you
But I don’t wanna have to scroll and always see advertisements
The fact that people advertise there art kinda makes me think there a bit of a cocky person deep down. When it occasionally like yea I get it but when it happens almost everyday it’s kinda annoying? It genuinely kinda makes me think your full of yourself. And yes I know there gonna be a person being like “ERM🤓 WHAT IF THERE PROUD OF ALL THERE ART🤓🤓” YEA EVERYONE IS? ( not many people idk ) Like I understand when there is a artwork you really are proud of and want to advertise to your viewers, LIKE- I UNDERSTAND GO AHED but when it’s every artwork that you advertise that’s a problem. When you advertise every artwork in your gallery it’s genuinely annoying because imagine someone every day comes up to you and says “Hey bro I just made a new dish of food that I think is good! Come try it!” You’d try the dish for the first 3 days right? But after you keep on eating that dish on and on the dishes aren’t very interesting and get annoying all the times the person keeps asking for you to try to eat the dish. THAT IS WHAT IM MAD ABOUT THATS THE SAME THING Artist advertise everyday is annoying!
But say the cook gives you a new dish they like for you to try every once in a while, You’d try the dish!
⚠️Now this isn’t ment to harass specific artists and I am not trying to start drama in any way, I just want to talk about something I’ve been seeing recur on here and I wanted to address it and educate people about this problem I believe is happening ⚠️

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