Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Hello have word vomit, I think thoughts
So here's some thoughts this image right here gave me

I am indeed an angry feminist bitch. I call myself a bitch jokingly because it's amuses me and I'm angry about the treatment that anyone associated with the female sex or gender presentation receives.

I'm a Jew. I don't like to argue, in fact I have panic attacks from the tiniest bit of conflict. But I DO argue. I know HOW to argue. Because the minorities will always be told that their intelligent and logical points are stupid while a cishet, christian, white man claims that the US is the only country.
Extremely intelligent women who are properly debating things get told to sit down, shut up and look pretty. Genius people of color are told to sit down and keep themselves out of the consciousness of others. Religious minorities are told to sit down and shut up and that they shouldn't believe what they do.

I decided to claim the term of angry feminist bitch, I want to argue loudly for more respect of Judaism, but that doesn't mean that "angry feminist bitch" and "Jews like to argue" aren't still derogatory out of some people's mouths. It doesn't mean that everyone will proudly claim these things.

I have a right to be angry and I have a right to debate. And the derogatory statements won't shut me up, I won't hide from them, I'll wear these like a fucking badge of honor before I'll let someone tear me down for it.

I can't speak on the angry black man stereotype as a whole, it's not my place to say what people can or can not say, what people are or are not hurt by.
But I can say that POC have every fucking right to be angry, and I'll be angry about the oppression right along side them because they deserve so much better than the short end of the stick that they've gotten from the "land of the free".
Because you know what? If a single white man was treated the way that many POC frequently are, there would be an uproar. All of the other white men would say that it's oppression, that it's abuse, that it's stripping them of their rights. Because in a white patriarchy centric system, many men can't understand anything outside of themselves. Because they believe that the world and all of it's inhabitants are there to serve them.

And that's just in the US. I can't speak on other countries. But here, when you see enough confederate flags hanging from family homes, when you see enough graffiti that says "burn the gays", when you see enough swastikas, when you see enough flyers begging that women go back to the kitchen and always be stay at home mothers-
Well, most reasonable people get fucking angry.

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