Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

I need some help please? ^^"
Hello Hi so, I'm making a "persona" :0 Now I know people would think "what about your character Cross?" Well Cross/Dani, despite me having for like 4-ish years as a character here, is more like a very complicated oc than a persona if you understand what I mean by that?? Originally I created her as an oc and then just kinda used her as a mascot that everyone would recognize ^^" So if you could help me make a persona/oc, I would really really appreciate the tips and opinions! So uh here we go:

Key things:
She will be a Starcross "boss". Meaning a key figure whether that be military leader, dictator, etc. 👌

A. Any distinctive features? (Wings, facial marks, etc.)

B. What's her name? (It can be just first, full name or nickname)

C. Does she have an aesthetic?

D. Color palettes? (I like both warm and cool tones hence why I'm a little stumped-)

E. Clothes? (This kinda ties in with aesthetics but does she wear something specific?)

I just would like to know your thoughts because I'm very lost atm and could really use some help. Thank you for reading this unnecessarily l o n g as heck message of mine and I hope you guys all have a really schnazzy jazzy day!

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