イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

Chapter Eleven : War
Calcite felt Storm pull her arm again, and they ran. They ran without caring what other dragons thought. There was no time, they needed to warn the kingdom. Calcite's shoulders clipped an adult carrying a basket. "Watch it!" The adult hollered. They ducked into a cluster of trees, the palace was just ahead.

"How do we get inside?" Calcite said out of breathe.

A guard walked by and the two laid their heads in the bushes, the guard looked suspiciously at the brush then turned around.

"Calcite," Storm nudged Calcite back up. "I need your help."

"What?" Calcite asked.

"I need you to take out that guard over there," Storm pointed.

"WHAT?! Storm are you crazy?!" Calcite whisper-yelled.

"No, no, I meant just temporarily blind and freeze him," Storm said, Calcite could tell he had a plan.

"Well- fine." Calcite said reluctantly.

"Cool, I'll distract him." Storm left so quickly it startled Calcite. She watched as Storm talked to him and managed to make him stay put. Calcite crept through the trees.

"And also-" Storm said, flicking his tail toward himself. "Whatever happens next we're sorry."

"Huh?" The guard said puzzled.

Calcite emerged from the trees, sending a frosty blast to his feet, making him adhered to the ground, she sent a soft blast to his face where he was blinded. Storm quickly began taking the guard's armor and tools.

"Snug fit right?" Storm asked, opening his wing and admiring the shiny metal.

Storm looked so regal in his armor-

"Uh- yeah, it's fitting for you, " Calcite said quickly, giving and awkward grin.

"Now put this on," Storm gave her a metal muzzle, also attaching a chain around her neck.

"What? What's this for?" Calcite scrunched up her nose.

"Well Air Dragons don't trust Ice Dragons unless they know the Ice Dragons can't shoot ice," Storm said fitting the chains loosely around Calcite's neck. "Don't worry, I got the keys."

"What about him?" Calcite asked Storm.

"He'll melt," Storm answered. "Uh, eventually."

Calcite hesitantly put the muzzle on. It was cold and unforgiving. Storm took the other end of her chains and dragged her toward one of the main entrances.

"Look cranky.." Storm whispered to Calcite.

They waltzed up to the door, they were literally about to do this-

"Hey, what are you doing?" A guard at the gate asked Storm.

"I have a reckless Ice Dragon here who decided it was a good idea to infultrate the palace," Storm said coolly.

"Aren't you a bit too young to be a guard?" The guard stared at Calcite skeptically. She felt Storn jab her shoulder and Calcite hissed at the guard. The guard flinched and nodded at Storm, letting him through. Storm took Calcite by the chain.

"QUIT MOVING," Storm hollered at Calcite, making sure the guards heard.

They had made it into the palace, the hallways huge and empty.

"What was that for?" Calcite muffled inside her muzzle.

"It makes things more believable. I took an acting class when I was younger as well," Storm added.

"Do you even know your way around here?" Calcite questioned.

"All Air Dragons take a tour of the palace when they're younger, of course we weren't allowed to see the prison cells, but we're not heading that way," storm bent his head to whisper. He immediately lifted his head and wore a serious face, watching as two more guards walked by, staring at Calcite.

Calcite's heart was racing, she was doing something so illegal she felt she didn't deserve to be alive. She glanced at the walls, the hallways were so spacious and regal. Purple tapestries hung from the walls, and torches burned along the walls, lighting the place up. The floor was neatly covered with a lavish purple rug, matching the tapestries. They zig zagged through the corridors, reaching a large door, two guards stood infront of the entrance.

"I request entry into the throne room," Storm said commandingly.

"What's that thing for?" A guard pointed at Calcite. She was NOT a THING.

"I need to ask the King for her fate," Storm sneered at Calcite. She hissed in return.

The guard examined Calcite's wounds, he probably figured she had been attacked. Well- that was partially right. Surprisingly they were allowed. The throne room was a huge circular room, huge thrones made of gold sat in the center on the opposite side. In the biggest chair sat the Air King, on his right was the Queen, and on the left of the King was the Princess's chair, but neither of the girls were present. The King sat majestically in the center, speaking to another dragon. Storm quickly removed Calcite's restraints and it clattered to the floor, instead of waiting Storm instead ran ahead and yelled out.

"You're Majesty," Storm called out. Everyone looked directly at them. Calcite's scales slithered.

"You dare speak out of turn?" The King stood from his throne, his voice echoed around the room. He was huge, Calcite felt nervous.

"Your Majesty, we come with important news," Storm pleaded.

"Why do you bring a filthy Ice Dragon into my palace?" He boomed. "Guards."

"Wait!" Storm's voice shook for the first time.

"What he says is true," Calcite said back. "The Ice Dragons have planned an attack on your Kingdom."

The King stared skeptically at Calcite, but she and the king were thinking the same thing. She was an Ice Dragon talking about an attacked held by her own kind. She was a traitor to the Ice Dragons.
Just then another dragon barged through the doors, it was another guard and he wore a concerned face.

"SIRE!" He sprinted over to the King and bowed graciously. "My sincere apologies!" He continued to bow.

"Enough of that," he barked at his guard. "Go on."

"We're under attack," the guard said with fear. "Ice Dragons are storming Terragon Heights as we speak!"

There was a pause, the king stood up and flew toward the door.

"Gather the flight team and collect the ground forces, alert the palace guards. Make sure the Queen is safe," he said urgently and stormed outside the room.

Calcite's heart raced.

"The invasion. It's too late." Calcite said watching the swirling dragons run to and fro.
