hey fellas. as it appears i've become increasingly more inactive on medibang due to school-induced stress and other pressures at home, i figured i should make a post to let y'all know where you can view my artwork.
if you would like to view my traditional and digital art on platforms that i update more consistently**, you can do so here:
tumblr- mmultipass
instagram- hazycosmicjivee
if you need somebody to talk to for any reason, or you just wanna chill wit yers truly, contact me here:
instagram- threedancingowls
quotev- @cheesymovies(main), @bewarethemoon(rp account)
thank you for all your support and kind comments and for bearing with me despite how little i post now-a-days. i appreciate you guys so much :,)
**when i say i update these sites consistently, what i mean is "as consistently as possible as i am very nearly always grounded from at least one of my electronic devices. (hence the lack of much digital art in recent months.)
if you would like to view my traditional and digital art on platforms that i update more consistently**, you can do so here:
tumblr- mmultipass
instagram- hazycosmicjivee
if you need somebody to talk to for any reason, or you just wanna chill wit yers truly, contact me here:
instagram- threedancingowls
quotev- @cheesymovies(main), @bewarethemoon(rp account)
thank you for all your support and kind comments and for bearing with me despite how little i post now-a-days. i appreciate you guys so much :,)
**when i say i update these sites consistently, what i mean is "as consistently as possible as i am very nearly always grounded from at least one of my electronic devices. (hence the lack of much digital art in recent months.)