插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

i w r o t e a l i l s u m t h i n
yeah i wanted to try writing, so i wrote a short lil story XD
also, Ana is introduced in this story, and i want to make her an oc, but i havent drawn her yet at all so lol there's that
anyways enjoy ^^

Ollie was walking along a cement path, passing by houses which some not very well kept, as their dirty wooden fences were rotting from probably decades of rainy days. The street was quiet, only a car breaking the silence every few minutes, and a few birds twittering away. It was a very cloudy day, the tall pine trees gently swaying in the slight wind and reaching up to the gloomy white sky.

Ollie strolled on the gray cement with her sealed lips smiling rather wide, and the expression in her eyes always had the ability of staring into ones soul, with her wide out pupils and eerie gaze. Her fluffy tail swayed as she walked her feet, and her long ears seemed to have the point of a sharp knife. Everyone Ollie knew seemed to be scared and cautious of her, but that never bothered her one bit.
Somewhere in the distance, Ollie saw a house she had always recognized, and picked up the pace of her feet until she started a jog.
'ANA!', Ollie had shouted in excitement. What turned around was that familiar rabbit face; Ana. Ana's long, limp, brown and white ears perked up at the sound, but once she saw Ollie's wide, spiky smile of a face, they pulled back. Ana was just about to escape into her house after a busy day, but was that little bit too late.
'O-Oh! Hey, Ollie! Um, what are you-,' Ana stammered until she was interrupted. 'I came back from the park! And I was chasing this dude with a really weird looking bug in my hand because he was SCARED of it! Haha- And- And I actually caught up to him HAHAha- And I threw the bug at him! HEHEHE, AND IT BIT HIM HAHAHAhahAHAHaahAHaa-," Ollie had gotten into a laughing fit, clutching her stomach through her black sweater and those pointy teeth gleaming as she laughed with her mouth wide open. Meanwhile, Ana looked concerned, scared even. She looked at Ollie with an expression of worry.
'Um... Was he okay?,' Ana asked Ollie as the unsettling canine had recovered from her laughing session. 'Oh I don't know, hehe! He ran away crying, it looked like the bite hurt. But it was so fun watching him flee! You should've seen his face,' Ollie snickered. Ana started to think of a way to escape this uncomfortable situation, so she made an excuse. 'I... I'm sorry, Ollie, but I've got to go. Y'know, homework and stuff, haha... Yeah,' Ana backed toward her front door.
'Awwwwwhh! Okay, you go do boring, old, complicated homework then! See you tomorrow!,' Ollie walked back out to the path and was walking along next to the road again.
Ana didn't wait long to watch her go, she quickly opened her unlocked door as her parents were home, stepped inside, and shut the door behind her.

D'YA LIKE IT ?!?!? it was pretty fun writing, i might have made multiple mistakes but i'm still proud of it XD
