插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

Cavar grumbled something and ripped the arrow out of the tree. Minka snickered, and glanced at Bramble who had a pleased expression on his face. It was early afternoon as Kaia put the feathers in a pile to the left an the meat on the right. She grit her teeth in frustration, realizing that Cavar would surely kick her out of his tribe, and the wheels in her brain started spinning as she pondered a way to escape exile. As much as she hated to admit it, she needed these three.
“Good shot.” Bramble’s soft voice made Kaia flinch. She looked at him, “Thanks.”
“You weren’t really trying to hit him, right?”
“No. I could’ve if I tried though.”
He chuckled, “I’m sure.”
Kaia felt a smile flick across her face and quickly shut it down. “You need help with that?” Bramble motioned to the pheasant. “Uh.. sure. Give these feathers to Minka. She’ll make something nice out of them. Then you can take the meat to Cavar. Tell him its a peace treaty for my little stunt.”
The taller boy nodded and took the feathers and meat away leaving Kaia alone on her mat.

“Here.” Minka found Kaia sitting at the edge of the stream that ran right next to their camp. Kaia looked up to see a basket of new arrows with the pheasant fletchings on the end. She smiled, “Thanks Minka. These are really nice.”
the blonde grinned, “Your welcome. You can keep the basket too.” Kaia nodded and Minka started walking away.
“Wait.” She stopped in her tracks. “Cavar wanted to talk to you.”
“Oh stars..”
“He didn't sound too pleased.”
Kaia groaned and got to her feet, clutching her new arrows tightly.
Walking into the camp she immediately realized she was in trouble. Cavar was pacing back and fourth by his mat, arms crossed. He whipped around to look at her and Minka scurried off to give them privacy.
“You think pheasant meat will be a good enough apology? You made me look like a idiot!”
“I-.. Cavar plea-“
He cut her off, “Dont beg! If you want to stay with us you’ll earn your place!” His dirty blonde hair blew in the breeze and his green eyes flickered furiously.
“Okay! Okay. What do you want me to do?”
The tribe leader was silent for a few moment before a sly look appeared on his face.
“You, my friend, are going to steal a child from your old tribe and train them to be a suitable member for me.”
Ehehehehheheehe yup
