插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

Bored; Thought I'd share this
Sometimes my brain likes to bring back random memories

Like that time I was talking to one of my mother's work friends who asked whether I wanted to drive when i'm 16 and I said no, then he asked if i want a husband so he can drive, I said no (being in a relationship doesn't interest me), then he asked if i wanted a wife or if i liked women, to which I said idk (never had a crush before)

Anyway thanks to that convo my mother asked if I liked girl, I said idk, she said girls shouldn't like girls and vice versa, I said i'm not Christian I don't follow the Bible, she said she should send me to church, I said i'm not going there, Her: then you should read the Bible, Me: I'm not reading that-

All of this was said like we were having a casual conversation like talking about everyday normal stuff
Like there was no like, underlying bad emotion in any words spoken
I don't know what to think of that-

Anyways, here, more random Pinterest images
