Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
Them... </3 <3
I love them... Oh how I love them! They are so nice and sweet. Whenever I talk to them it's like I've found where I'm meant to be! I could sit in silence with them, just gobbling up the chocolate muffins in one bite, and they'd just laugh slightly concerned but not surprised that I had already eaten 3 bags of the mini muffins. All their photos I just eat up. They're beautiful! So lovely! Their hair, makeup, the piercings, clothes, their smileeee. I wish that when they tell me I'm smart, that I could believe them. That when they say I'm kind, that I could admit that I'm not faking it, that you don't have to want to do the nice thing immediately to be nice for doing it. I wish I had the guts to tell them I love them. I wish I would stop telling myself what if I don't really love them... I keep getting scared of me lying to myself about loving anything! I know they love me, my sister is a nosy prodding bitch like that sometimes. But I'm scared to say it to their face... It's hard to explain... But I love them! They went fishing and sent a picture and all I could look at was them <3 They always look good! In streetwear, that flannel, the cool black witch dress stuffs! Gosh I could go on and on and on! My mind is racing! I was supposed to sleep 30 minutes ago.

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